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Everything posted by wombat

  1. Wow...that's not what she tells me.
  2. The 3 things as I see them are... Money money & money. I could be wrong if course.
  3. Feed them.. They don't bite the hand that feeds
  4. Tell me again what visa she is on please?
  5. What's a tolerance break? How can you be that into religion ? Always remember if you don't sin, jesus died for nothing
  6. More to this story than meets the eye for sure.
  7. If you read the fine print you will find life is a pre existing condition and not covered.
  8. Keep prodding him and find out
  9. Because the retardants that sign off on it go for the lowest quote would be my guess.
  10. Fornicate yes...heaped teaspoonful in hot water...best drink ever.
  11. Taxes and profit would be my guess
  12. Does it say what breed of weed he was smoking?🙃
  13. The dreaded visa overstay. Did a smart car get him?
  14. i was trying to avoid that movie as the thought of so many dressed in burkas dribbling dirt as they shuffled still leaves big piles of spoil somewhere
  15. If you are unable to walk after dabbing what creature comforts do you have?
  16. If they can get away with it it it is normal.
  17. A myth perpetrated by people of colour is my take on it.
  18. A myth perpetrated by people of colour is my take on it.
  19. The hypocrisy hidden in plain site while the things that go bang are supplied by proxy, prodding Vlad to use a nuke so the West can throw its hands up in horror saying ook see we told you so it wasn't us is reprehensible.
  20. Let me give you some of my clarity. After 15 years the emotional vampire that was gaslighting me, left in the same way that I found her. Whenever I see an ice cube with a hole in it I am reminded of her.
  21. Fir the Same old argument that's been around since the 60's when the pill appeared. Marriage was the only way to stop inbreeding....it would seem that some cults didn't get the memo.
  22. My question for those that know about these things is... Where did all the dirt go that was dug from making these tunnels?
  23. That's pretty much the question I ask about everything she spruiks.
  24. So I'm guessing copy starlinks are a Temu item?
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