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Everything posted by wombat

  1. To quote a Billy Thorpe song... "Most people I know think that I'm crazy"... Wanting 24hour trading for the grog industry is not one of the reasons.
  2. I got a nylon jacket from a Thai bank 18 years ago and it's still one of the best bits of clothing I've got.
  3. 30 seconds of fame for the Mia not to see followed by a forgone conclusion.
  4. Oz rejected the voice because there was not bipartisan approval. in govt Dutton was YES. in opposition Dutton was NO. i blame the failure on Dutton.
  5. er.... unless you've been living under a bridge you'd know weed was removed from the narcotics list and is no longer a crime over 12 months ago.????????
  6. er...I think he just outed himself as a troll?
  7. Confucius says...the only disgrace is being caught
  8. The world's policeman has spoken. Bow down to your overload. Resistance us futile.
  9. With weed off the table I expected to see way more of these headlines
  10. Definitely...if there hadn't been a war they wouldn't be draft dodging in LOS.
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