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Everything posted by wombat

  1. A TG to cook you sticky rice is the way to go. Luuk Chaai has got the plot
  2. A good accountant can give you whatever outcome you want. The real truth is what your disposable income for hookers and blow will buy you.
  3. Somebody impressing the new Mia noi how important they are?
  4. i have a LGBT if that helps with your confusion
  5. No touchy feely beforehand...rookie mistake.
  6. Which came first transgender or ladyboy? The more we empower minorities the more they want until the minorities dictate to the majority like now.
  7. May I point out that Kamala coming out with this and being lauded by academics is akin to shutting the barn door after the horse has bolted?
  8. Point of order thankyou.. We are in Thailand where the western woke term trans is a slur upon Thailand's culture of ladyboys. Ladyboys are Thailand not transgender.
  9. not before he throws a huge spanner in the works that will leave Trump with the mother of all mess to clean up. reprehensible behaviour given the mandate the voters have given Trump
  10. Not the sharpest knife in the draw
  11. Please...where have you been hiding? That saying the bigger the lie the easier it is for people to believe, you've never seen before?
  12. Yes ...the last one would be a give away in any country
  13. Myself my wife and unborn child are shocked at these scurrilous allegations we to to pattaya beach to lounge in the CoCoNut Bars golden sands and crystal water...never have we experienced anything like has been described
  14. If that's what takes to get you off the books...meanwhile
  15. Makes sense then they can tell you to move it because they want to build. TiT.
  16. Put it all on your Mrs name and sleep easy.
  17. Gina will go over and do a honey trap on Xi...that will sort the problem
  18. Another good conspiracy theory shot down in flames. Dawn those posters who don't let the truth get in the way of a good story 🙃🫠
  19. It's hard to find a sarcasm emoji to warn of dry humour I find...lol
  20. So her youth in exchange for the males wisdom & security.
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