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Everything posted by wombat

  1. Too much is when you think to yourself I'm not an alcoholic they go to meetings.
  2. by teleconference? thats no good ...he needs a few days in Pattaya to bring him up to speed
  3. with weed taken off the playing field I really expected to see more busts like this?
  4. Only a maximum of 20 minutes wait or your money refunded ?
  5. having smoko across the road when immi turned up...apparently????
  6. the Karens/civil liberties mob are going to have a field day with this one
  7. And upset the status quo causing a reshuffle...better the devil you know rather than the one you don't mentality? NB. Thank fornicate people that think like you are in the minority
  8. I wear mine all the time at night...here is my photo
  9. Supercalafragilisticexpaladocious. works for me.
  10. Any democratic system you like as long as it's the one we want.
  11. one does not preclude the other in modern Thailand...the online inroads during covid put an end to that myth
  12. western pollies have learnt well from them from what I can work out
  13. Was it her children that decided on the amount of sinsod or am I confused?
  14. so nothing will change from the way it is now...imo its working well...money number 1
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