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Everything posted by wombat

  1. It's the buzz phrases that give them that warm and fuzzy feeling I reckon
  2. With the accountants and lawyers she has? Good luck getting it past being a sensationalist header.
  3. Why so negative? Pattaya is a family resort on the coast with crystal waters and sandy beach to frolic on.
  4. curious asks.... what is suspicious behaviour?
  5. if china called in all the fed debt it owns china would own america without a shot being fired
  6. We are taught to emulate our peers
  7. Reads like a lot of psycho babble to me. Can you do a short version?
  8. When you say they've been processed...they look like they've been machine cleaned by tumbling to get the look they have...curious asks...how do you tell they've been processed from a photo
  9. more holes in this story than swiss cheese
  10. Nancy Pelosi is responsible for the loss. The beginning of the end was when she wesponised impeachment. She will go down in American history as one of the most evil women ever.
  11. My Mrs says it's a weed,treat it like one. It works for her 🙃
  12. There are none so blind as those that cannot see.
  13. Point of order thanks. Thailand has ladyboys.
  14. Like the LOS could give a rats about punters sending weed back to anywhere. Export dollars are export dollars.
  15. So it wasn't a 20 baht bit of naughtiness by a couple if lads out on the lash?
  16. That's really unfair ....the unspoken introduction and marriage bureau never gets a mention. If they weren't working bar and you weren't looking for a wife for the night how else would you meet?
  17. Any time I saw this done over 50 years ago the end result was mould. Early hippy urban myths that didn't work.
  18. Sage advice.
  19. You gave her the money she didn't nick it.
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