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Everything posted by wombat

  1. My wife and unborn child are as shocked as you. Apparently the wowsers must have got on the w/anchors alert algorithm. That Facebook is bad like that.
  2. with the American media I never know which are real photo's
  3. Special privileges? No excrement Sherlock! How could anyone think that?
  4. nah...false flag operation carried out at the behest of Joe by the Israelis ...clear as mud.
  5. It just blows me away how quickly a person's health can deteriorate...one day trouping around the world and the next banged up ...where upon feeling ill is then moved to a hospital that is owned by his family...karma works in mysterious ways.
  6. the meaning of the word democracy will have to be re-written with new meanings after this wont it?
  7. now they dont have weed to worry about im surprised at the lack of reports on chemical products
  8. Will "Get some Pork on your fork" become a tourist promotion?
  9. A victim of political persecution! No excrement Sherlock. Even blind Freddy can see that.
  10. its madness personified...both Trump & Biden are yesterdays news wrapping todays fish heads or they should be...one drops rockets on a country and the other likes sniffing little people.
  11. special people to investigate special people with the outcome already known...illegal,no...morally corrupt,yes.
  12. OT but kinda relevant given different cultures proclivity... do the Chinese smoke weed?
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