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Everything posted by wombat

  1. when do noodles stop being noodles and become spaghetti or vice versa?
  2. He was really ugly and the Thai guy wanted more money for the 3some
  3. Reap what you sow sounds fitting
  4. Pot and kettle comes to mind unless I'm missing something in the hub of fakes?
  5. already got that with the new rotation of bombers out of Tindal airbase NT Oz
  6. the most crucial decision is where are all the captive middle class mortgage belt people coming from to pay for what the incoming president inherits
  7. replacing the Taliban with the Taliban has worked well
  8. reads more like an insurance job by the promoters
  9. i told her she didnt have to bring it to town to prove it had sick attitude but wadda i know
  10. The Nigerian scammer with her ginger whinger lap dog husband has another go at 30 seconds of feel sorry for me fame?
  11. Advertise for a meet and greet expats bar crawl on Soi6?
  12. Kennedy is going to be the dark horse in the swing states.
  13. America is not ready for a half caste (call me black) female president.
  14. Pattaya has always been Family Friendly. The Family that plays together stays together.
  15. and we wonder why no one says hullo
  16. any chance this whole thing was engineered to take out the nuclear reactor in Iran that is producing the bang powder that gives them nuclear weapons?
  17. Tommy is the only one who wont let the islamic takeover continue, hidden in plain site, happen without a fight. Wake up England.
  18. This coffin dodger doesn't find it offensive
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