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Everything posted by wombat

  1. Arabphobia? the whole world is suffering from Stockholme Syndrome and your worried about a touch of that?
  2. dont sweat the small stuff...the binladen concrete company is ready and waiting for reperation money🥷☻
  3. there's a go buy one...set your mrs up in employment...thats gotta be a virtually untapped income stream from small producers😁
  4. about 200 of the wacky baccy variety ...not hard to find
  5. a good Australian name on his way to agogo to splash the cash...😱🥷
  6. the proof is in the smoking...it either works or it doesnt...a small joint between 3 people that gets you off your face is good weed and the benchmark to strive for...rule of thumb is way better than megga $ on machines. at a rough guess there are any number of contributors to this section that will tell you after a couple of tokes if you've grown a good batch or not...just place an add in this thread when you reach that stage...please🥳
  7. the owner received no rent for 2 years before he had look? more holes in that story than Swiss cheeses
  8. implications...you just married her...did no one tell you?
  9. was wondering where the cartons of cigs came from that I was being offered on pattaya tai this morning
  10. Thailand has 57 million people and amelika has 350 million...that's hardly a valid comparison
  11. what happens? My guess is you wake up dead.
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