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Everything posted by wombat

  1. it depends what you use your phone for i guess...if you use the high end bells and whistles go for it
  2. throw corn at the chooks and watch them squabble. AKA how to handle the media by Sir Joh Bjelke Peterson 101
  3. nothing worse than a suspicious Frenchman ☻👣
  4. i just counted and its more years than i have fingers and toes
  5. 2 sides to every story that's for sure.
  6. She's a cashier so it won't take long to buy out her contract.
  7. How do you say crypto in Russian?
  8. The Dame Edna look doesn't work for a politician that has eaten way to many pavlovas
  9. i think thats funny, peeps in Pattaya taking the moral high ground...please scuze my mirth
  10. Waiting for this long before playing the victim card ? Why do I not believe him.
  11. as i read this i realised that Paul Joseph Goebbels would have been so pleased his method was succesful
  12. his client list being published would be Trump triumph. why hasn't it been published?
  13. In summary ... East is East and West is West, Never the twain will meet.
  14. Scraps of food but hung onto her phone. 🙃
  15. No..not legal to on-sell without the required documentation
  16. The lead BiB ...his name was George, so I believe...I could be wrong of course.
  17. Er...the suppliers have permits to sell weed I think you will find.
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