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Everything posted by wombat

  1. It wouldn't let me past the advert that wanted me to upgrade for a 20% discount.
  2. While this return stolen items to their owners appears to be happening in a few countries I notice the Vatican is notable by its absence in returning treasures looted in the name of God.
  3. Pmsl...is that polispeak for ..."we tried and failed" I'll just get my coat.
  4. And that angle is called money grasshopper. (Some Dutch people I know tell me the cost of Bud here is more than double what they pay in Holland) He went for the jugular rather than have to fornicate around like previous posters have described. He removed it from the narcotics list (along with kratom.) Buddha smiled on the timing as it gave a Kickstart to an economy ravaged by two and a half years of covid. Per se all hail to him for what he achieved on the weed front.
  5. Assuming these tests are gratis... Don't forget us in the cheap weed section when you do please ????
  6. Any more than a thin one papery to get off on and it is excrement quality weed....I too am addicted to the ritual.
  7. Impressive... Curious asks what your electric bill is?
  8. No mention of him being a white round eye so you can scrub him off the list of suspects.
  9. Just being curious...they are counterfeit so they are worth nothing? Yes...recycled would be a better way to do it.
  10. er...i have to ask... what part of nothing changes it just rearranges do you have a problem with?
  11. Ben Dover and Phill McCrackin are friends so i believe
  12. OT they certainly did ...they identified the jugular and went for it...they took it off the narcotics list...jobs done....by-passing all the western need to have the i dotted and the t crossed. now in true Buddhist fashion it is "up to you' what you make of it. personally..having an armchair seat in the greatest cultural change ever is fantastic ...as is noting all western media are avoiding the subject like the plague just as they have done with the success Portugal has had with their approach. lets not forget if it hadn't been for the American chemical companies & others political clout in having weed put in the same category as heroin in the world narcotics list it would never have been there in the first place.
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