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Everything posted by wombat

  1. I think it's funny the squatocracy are that scared of him running again they will scrape the bottom of the barrel untill there is no barrel left to scrape.
  2. If she hadn't been here it wouldn't have happened
  3. My 2 Bob's worth says he was at a restraunt bigging himself up playing Bwana the fish whisperer from the tanks you pick your meal from. I could be wrong however
  4. She obviously doesn't have the same algorithm as I that throws weed adverts at me.
  5. Isn't this about where the owners of the place jump in and say they will cover everyone's medical bills. They did have insurance...didn't they?
  6. they are the ones that contribute nightly to the single mothers & associate club of issan silly...the single biggest earner for LOS...where have you been?
  7. At that price/quantity if it turned out to be rubbish...boil it up and make cannabutter
  8. if this arrives as stated on the tin @ 4baht per gram? https://mputercofd.online/?m=Item&a=show&id=27297&fbclid=IwAR3Y0sfevleqVowrIx3Q9FQ8fuXs4dPA2H84z1E0OpfGqTMjTEv5U6lnsVU
  9. right now there is weed being grown in good dirt with TLC...when that becomes available it'l be all about the taste...another milestone will have been reached
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