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Everything posted by wombat

  1. i have no doubt that once the green light is given the govt will be beating off investors with a very large stick
  2. In 2015 studies showed that CBD helped in keeping the airways open. In 2022 CBD became legal in LOS. Does anyone have any experience of using CBD for COPD they would like to share?
  3. and there it is in a nutshell...nothing changes just rearranges
  4. Er...no...wrong. .it wasn't stoner I was referring to it was the person he replied to.
  5. It's one of those up to you things for punters...however ... If I'm paying rent for 24 hours a day I should be able to open the hours I want to.
  6. one mans trash is another treasure...for sure if s/he found the GG from BP to be trash i will happily take it to save the trouble of binning it. s/he writes with the rhythm of a shill with an agenda denigrating all others while beating up the high end gouges from a profile started on 22nd July 2022. which leaves me believing a credibility factor of zero aka troll.
  7. Does anyone have any experience in using them they would like to share?
  8. No more than other conflicts where it's been the R&R center
  9. Just saying.. I knew price gouging would initially occur and it wasn't till the other day talking to a friend in Oz who just got on the medical weed circuit that I could put it into perspective...he is paying A$15.oo per gram (368 baht)
  10. curious asks...what do you base these findings on? Gorilla Glue @ 350 baht per gram (about $14,00 per gram Oz money) from the Blissful Pharaoh mob does the job nicely...glues up the scissors nicely enough to scrape off the resin and have a quick little hash ball. deconstructing the head by hand to roll a thin one papery gives a good stone with nice legs to it...if you go back a bit in this thread ive posted a pic of what was sent.
  11. didn't they split up or are they coming to Pattaya to spice up their life? the family that plays together stays together
  12. This mob are in Pattya... 24 hour service and are on line and Facebook. They do a home delivery service. Over 5 grams delivered free under that 100 baht. They are doing Gorilla Glue @ 350 gram. Sweet mouth they are bless their cotton panty for uttering those words everyone likes to hear.
  13. This thread is about cheap weed. If you want to discuss fear and paranoia start a topic. I consider throw away paranoia lines as trolling.
  14. Curious asks...how long before the statute of limitations expires for his crimes?
  15. Maybe Japan could take a leaf out of the Thailand book and take weed off the narcotics list to kick start their economy? That has to be a better solution than to encourage their population to drink.
  16. OT The add placement in a weed thread after all the dummy spits made me laugh
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