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Everything posted by wombat

  1. Any mental health issues you had from smoking weed you had before you started smoking weed as many peer reviewed studies will show...don't blame weed for your mental instability
  2. Oh grasshopper you have a lot to learn. Check back on my posts in this thread for an example.
  3. Maybe 24 hour trading would be better than 4am closing...any chance of a whisper in an ear?
  4. i'm curious why the same formulae used for inflation when Trump was in office wasn't used for Biden economics?
  5. and another day goes by and the Donald hasn't been arrested for espionage or treason? maybe weaponising the DOJ is gunna come back and bite someones @$$?
  6. well here we are all these days later and Trump is still not under arrest. Why is this so?
  7. You're expecting logic? Where is the fun in that? This is TV rebranded ...lol
  8. Just saying...normal weight loss from green to dry is about two thirds. Could end up an expensive smoke?
  9. My take on me dieing in LOS is I become someone else's problem.
  10. with the success had with micro-dosing mushrooms on more than a few conditions that isnt as trippy hippy silly as it sounds
  11. Well golly gosh.. here we are how many days later and Trump hasn't been arrested for espionage... I mean the DOJ knew what documents they were looking for...didn't they? These guys really don't want the Donald to run in the next president elections do they?
  12. many posts back i put up a link to a mob offering 500grams for 1999 baht COD. old mate up the alley got excited by the maths and said ok. parcel arrived...pays his money...opens package in room to find this... pmsl.
  13. Lesson for the day kiddies is don't upset the Juristic person.
  14. "Please people's understand I'm a professional spearfisher" Thats my laugh for the day...next.
  15. Why would you want to live in UK? It wouldn't be from choice from what I read.
  16. Price gouge while the novelty factor is still there for surely like St Lt panty prices after covid they too will fall as the 'real' locally grown comes online from seeds planted on the 9th of June is what my crystal ball sees.
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