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Everything posted by wombat

  1. The old paranoia is ingrained and runs deep...it will take a while to realise that we have a seat watching what could be described as the greatest social change ever.
  2. Er...since when did MoPh tell the police what to do?
  3. Or you've been sucked into believing propaganda to make you feel good. There was never any doubts placed on Russian arms in Afghanistan?
  4. using the criteria of a Kiwi mate...if a skinny one papery number wrapped round a head doesn't get 3 people off...its <deleted> weed.
  5. The first time I crossed into Morocco from Ceuta (many many moons ago) by bus...couple of miles after the border inspection smoke started billowing from under the hood/bonnet. Driver pulled over jumped out lifted the hood ...rooted around in the motor and came out with a smoldering rolled up piece of hessian ...unrolled it and there was a bottle of JW. I Laughed.
  6. He followed a meme advice to swallow concrete and harden up?
  7. So we tanned his hide When he died Clyde, and that's it hanging on the shed. Altogether now...
  8. er...no...wrong. It hasn't been widely reported world wide it has been widely suppressed world wide. The lack of media attention world wide on such a huge social change has been conspicuous by its absence .. Just like the success Portugal has had proving all the experts wrong.
  9. Corruption or grease? East is east, and west is west, and never the twain shall meet.
  10. At least this one was only 30k and not the usual 100k variety ...bloke must have been a poor cousin.
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