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Everything posted by wombat

  1. Now there is a thought I will mull as I buckle up and take my sleeper for the flight...unskilled pilots.
  2. Cheers... In my mind I expected a solution you could drop some in and the color it turned indicated THC%.
  3. I lose my weed My shirt is loose Two different words and meanings?
  4. imho thats what the price should be for outdoor head irrespective of what its called or what the "claimed" THC% is. curious asks...where does one get a device to check the THC%?
  5. It's got me beat... probably the same place that the THC % come from. (from TAT is my guess) Splurged megga money on 1 gram of 30% THC Hybrid expecting to see JC and his motley crew or at least Freewheeling Freddie & Phinius ...other than that taste that goes with Hydro grown there was SFA difference in legs between that and the humble 10 grams including postage El Cheapo Skunk.
  6. The one thing in common all these crazies have is the need for recognition using social media doing the macho thing showing their perceived audience weapons. The algorithms used could be tweaked to recognize firearms. A red flag goes up and that info is passed to a real person who can inform authorities that a visit and a chat are in order.
  7. Old mate always held the view that weed is a nitrogen fixer plant and only ever used blood and bone as a fertilizer...thick heavy heads he always produced. Does anyone here grow with the same mindset?
  8. it may be the new buzz word for some...however...that save word goes against the grain of every TG i know.
  9. There will be a glut and prices will drop from the ridiculous gouging high they are now
  10. Which is fine untill it's decided a police action is needed to keep them in order ?
  11. Ah yes... the old article author Mike Bender...word has it he writes while on one. I can believe that...are we being entertained yet?
  12. Another nobody getting 30 seconds of media fame to show the Mia noi how little they really mean in the grand scale of things?
  13. Just call it Billyland and be done with it? ????
  14. There is a whole world out there waiting for hemp cloth...wait for the cotton growers screams of pain
  15. Don't know but if this shrub was in my garden I would be a happy wombat
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