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Everything posted by wombat

  1. I teach children younger than second grade. Not one has tried to eat glue Is Pecks Paste no longer used in schools. Memory says there was always someone having a sly lick because it smelt so good?
  2. All beer has the same effect...I get drunk.
  3. Things that are "rooted" in my vocab means they are NBG.
  4. My Facebook is awash with adds...I've been watching prices tumble...this is the best value I've seen...I've not posted who as I fear upsetting fearless leaders add revenue.
  5. Well there ya go...trade the motor-less subs in on hypersonic missiles and Bob's ya Uncle Micks ya Aunt and Cyrils ya mother in law...blow them pesky MOFO right out the sky
  6. Well this should be interesting....what say you Admin?
  7. You never know you could have the best time of your life and not know why.
  8. Agree with me about what? You read like a seppo lefty that doesn't have an answer so tries to deflect with nonsense. At no stage has anyone suggested farangs dig up the rose garden. Apart from the greatest social move the world has seen the elephant in the room is the brilliant kick start this will give the economy that has been fornicated by two and a half years of Covid. My suggestion is you re-read the rules and give up on the reefer madness mind set.
  9. Weed has been taken off the narcotics list. What crime are they committing?
  10. Like fearless leader said... If you haven't tried it before don't start now.
  11. Exactly...the number of Tha people enjoying eating on the beach at night was amazing...my guess is the big money restaurants didn't like the cholera cart vendors making money while their greasey spoons sat empty
  12. Was the middle east ruled out...my money is still on it being a payback for the Uyghurs that got out of hand.
  13. Gunna have to get WS finished and repaved for the red light part of the tour before the Chinese come back.
  14. Aha...iz zis iz zee owld couldn't zleep in zee am und went for zee walkies wis my 100k baht nekalace shining round my nek trick?
  15. curious asks... weed is not on the narcotics list... what crime was committed ?
  16. The 30 Country alliance are going to do collective little bits in their panty when the Bear drops a nuclear poo.
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