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Everything posted by wombat

  1. At least this one was only 30k and not the usual 100k variety ...bloke must have been a poor cousin.
  2. Well Golly gosh ...now ain't that just the elephant in the room? When Trumps mob win control the payback to Pelosi will be spectacular...stay tuned folks the best is yet to come.
  3. Regaining sovereignty of UK? Why are they still paying money to a club they no longer belong to?
  4. Now I know the Wombat is not the sharpest knife in the drawer but if Russia let's Ukraine sell grain will the money be used to pay for weapons to kill Russian troops or am I missing something?
  5. Now now...the Gulf of Siam may be too shallow for a sub but it can park up engine less at the sub base China has built in Cambodia.
  6. Phuket... Lockdown Phuket now. Bring in Snake Pliskin to find him.
  7. saber rattling horse hockey...China owns by proxy all the service industries on the island and can shut it down overnight. in the mean time its good for business.
  8. As Oz politicians always say during an election....the only poll that means anything is the one on polling day to elect a government...my guess is that applies to America as well.
  9. Curious asks... all these sub-variants ...how long do they last? More or less than a cold,flu or influenza?
  10. My crystal ball says that when the seeds planted on the 9th June mature and weed that not only has higher THC than what is commercially available now but also the taste that comes with TLC and not the nothing dirt taste of commercially grown there will be an attrition amongst the high end sellers as they try to unload old stock that hasn't sold.
  11. thats a very ambiguous statement. do you have links to credible sources?
  12. A selection of Australian Bongs...AKA "BILLY" No need to buy from online shops... Should you need one PM me for price.
  13. I'm guessing your opinion is the end result of propaganda spruiked by your govt and believed by those with no hands on experience?
  14. Trial and error are your best friends at this point in your horticultural career. My suggestion is buy a Ph meter and use a soil mix that gives you a reading of Ph7.5 or better.
  15. If weed isn't on the narcotics list then it isn't illegal. What law has been broken? I guess this is where the elephant in the room gets looked at?
  16. I'm wondering when paid tours of where these are grown and produced will be available...personally I'd love to see how it's done
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