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Everything posted by wombat

  1. what qualifications do you have to say he is wrong? my qualifications come straight from God. GENESIS 1:29.
  2. it doesn't get more ignorant than the attitude the header suggests.
  3. It's pretty hard to avoid online advertising for weed at the moment. The one thing I have noticed is that this mob are faaarking expensive in comparison to others.
  4. To repeat what fearless leader said. If you've never used weed don't start using it now.
  5. If memory serves....Verbaling by Australian police seems to be newsworthy when papers are having a slow news week
  6. Having tasted power that covid gave, it seems keeping that control is an adrenalin rush that is addictive? Will endemic be gazzeted ever?
  7. Your applying western values to a Buddhist country which aren't going to fly. this is being done along the lines of basic Buddhism..... Out of chaos and confusion comes clarity. Buckle up and enjoy the ride. Have a happy 420 day.
  8. If you've never smoked weed before, don't try it now!... possibly the most sensible thing i have read for ages
  9. Gouging/daylight robbery at the start to be expected but hey... An armchair seat as history takes place, Buddhist style?...life doesn't get any better. Out of chaos and confusion comes clarity. 420 lives.
  10. dont the stats show France is now a left wing moslem country?
  11. they crossed swords at the urinal and one of them didn't want to play so the protagonist threw a roid rage hissy fit was the story i got
  12. everyone is entitled to an opinion. on this subject they are wrong...have a look at Portugals success where they took it one step further
  13. wombat dont need no google to tell him that in the future, what is now will be referred to as the wonderland of weed revival of tourism in Thailand.
  14. Dipped sticks? Isn't that the same urban legend as they were grown in opium crop soil to increase potency?
  15. the extended stomach where a person is not a woke pregnant male, appears to be the tell
  16. turning into a real ditch jumper is your bojo. pay for your gas in roubles before winter or your countrymen will turn on you
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