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Everything posted by wombat

  1. Don't know but if this shrub was in my garden I would be a happy wombat
  2. Am I the only one that sees this as the ultimate tax conjob? We are paying to breathe air. It's not fair, those with big noses take more than me with my little nose ???? ? Will the next step be a nose meter? Or Golly gosh gee whiz maybe if the logging of the Amazon basin was stopped and the rainforests around the equator were no longer cleared for palm oil plantations etc etc...you know the rave and my names not Greta... we wouldn't be repairing what corporations have fornicated making money for shareholders. Godamn it...I'm going to have to go to meetings now. Hullo, my name is Wombat and I am a closet Greenie.
  3. Like all dinosaurs they be doomed to extinction...the rules have changed...all that propaganda learnt by rote to spew back has been found wanting and will in turn, like other history,be consigned to the skip bin by the newly woken woke. Happy 420 Dinosaurs...mutate or perish.
  4. if its not the gingers whinger its the ginger having a go at being woke.
  5. The queen of pump n dump having dumped moves on. Yo got played suckers.
  6. So I'm guessing Hydrogen motors won't be on the market just yet?
  7. My Facebook profile is awash with them. Type 420 into the Line app and there is no shortage. In answer to your question...yes there are.
  8. Pmsl.. Hands up those that have not taken a BG on a bar hop to "procure" a 3rd party? Let's put the holier than thou attitude to rest
  9. The Ozie chick was not underage. 16 is the age of consent in Australia. She knew exactly what she was doing.
  10. And so it begins... She didn't drop any influential people in the kybo. My crystal ball says 5 to 7 years on appeals possibly out on bail in 4.
  11. My thoughts as well...there must have been a warehouse/s ceiling to floor long before it was taken off the narcotics list
  12. I still feel naked without one...they are a hard habit to quit once they've got inside your head
  13. PHOBIC...something you fear. I am islamophobic...i fear Jihad. I had no idea i was a bigot until it was pointed out they are bigot me.
  14. i mean seriously...why would you expect anything different from the religion of peace mob?
  15. I can put the two together ❤ Call it a leaky construction flaw which needs to be addressed
  16. The Hub of Herb or the Herb Hub? It's hard to say which rolls off my tongue the easiest?
  17. It seems the old BoJo has irked the ire of the money people
  18. I'm waiting untill Herr Greta makes a statement on the greening of nuclear-power before I comment
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