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Everything posted by wombat

  1. there are 47 wars happening globally...Ukraine is but one of them so that would be a hard no.
  2. the only way you will get the taste you are after is grow your own with TLC
  3. my apologies...I forgot to add insert. #sarcasm icon#
  4. curious asks... which will mean what?
  5. there must be some more Lend Lease agreements to sign?
  6. with their track record why would you believe anything they say? they learnt that lesson from western politicians.
  7. conducts popularity poll with the advantage of making sure the figures favour the outcome he wants. the queen of pump and dump is on the move.
  8. What makes journalists, or anyone for that matter, think Twitter is a democracy?
  9. Somewhere in the BiB network there are going to be some fat xmas bonuses
  10. Not even knowing that helps on Samui. It's a deadly mofo of a place on a bike
  11. AKA...None Cigar size? That don't sound like good weed to me.. If 3 people don't get off on a thin one paper tallyho number it's low class weed
  12. The winds blow a thin covering of sand over smooth tar and your wheels dissapear from underneath you ....it has to be the deadliest place on the planet for motorbikes
  13. Behind every great fortune is a crime so the story goes. The mould hasn't been broken yet
  14. Yes ...it should come down due to oversupply
  15. I agree...I'm over seeing headlines of ginger and the gingers whinger being the world's entitled victims to the point of please tell someone that cares.
  16. My money and my illusion I'm paying for...I don't see the problem
  17. I applauded your Mrs... .Drive to Arrive Alive. No point in being dead right.
  18. rich...honorable...cant remember the last time I saw those words in the same sentence
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