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Everything posted by wombat

  1. A friend of mine sent me the new American version.
  2. Are you saying we (insert nationality here) aren't?
  3. next time round i must tick the box marked monk or bib.
  4. People are and it has me baffled why? To answer the question. ..no.
  5. if he hadn't been in Thailand it wouldn't have happened. It's all his fault.
  6. I asked him a question that didn't fit his narrative or agenda and was blocked from his Facebook. W/anchor of the first order preying on people who are susceptible to fear paranoia and innuendo.
  7. And then all those new poms decided to visit the motherland. How's that worked out for you?
  8. Multinational company? They have advertised they should pay
  9. Curious asks...where have the Saudi been getting their chooks from for the last 17 years?
  10. Really? I went to try their burgers on the recomdation of an American friend and I found them to be so ordinary I haven't gone back for a second one.
  11. why not? its a slow Tuesday and another messy day in paradise. i Don see any barnacles or marine growth. it could have been from a fly tip by a local garbage contractor?
  12. curious says.....the following is what we were examined on way back in the mists of time...if there has been updates on this please post them. The Earth's axis is tilted 23.5 degrees from the plane of its orbit around the sun. But this tilt changes during a cycle , The tilt of the axis varies between 22.1 and 24.5 degrees. Because this tilt changes, the seasons as we know them become exaggerated
  13. silly me, Pattaya, water sports. what was i thinking?
  14. most definitely does, eggs & bacon or eggs, bacon &beans for breakfast.
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