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Everything posted by lujanit

  1. Who writes this garbage. The Richter Scale hasn’t been used in years. The correct terminology is ‘of 5.1 magnitude’.
  2. Give the man a medal. Employ him as Director of TAT to replace that self serving present Director. He knows how to promote a business far better than the useless mob at TAT.
  3. I have an empty fish tank. One of these ‘pretties’ can move in any time she wants to. Mind you I might get some opposition from the SO.
  4. Asking the ‘government’ to help is a forlorn quest. All Prayuth and his cronies do is help themselves to more loot. The greed of this mob is astounding.
  5. Troll post. Should be removed.
  6. You give him too much credit. He wouldn’t know how to play darts. I think he has been playing with that calculator again. You know the one, that’s built on super secret technology and only one was ever built. If more were built the chinese would have reverse engineered by now.
  7. Do you know how cannabis became a schedule 5 drug? You have the good old USA to thank for that. They threatened to withhold all foreign aid if Thailand didn’t classify certain drugs (including opioim which was widely used here as recreational). Look up Harry Asinger the then director of the fledgling DEA, drug enforcement agency, actually its predecessor. Thais government officials could learn a thing or two about empire building from Harry.
  8. All the illegitimate PM can only think of enriching himself and keeping out of reach a quality education for the youth of Thailand. He wants to keep them sheep and not to think for themselves. A true despot dinosaur who will do anything to hang onto power. Sex is a natural part of growing up, the youth will use any means to educate themselves. Was it any different in the fifties, sixties and subsequent decades? Then it might have been books, magazines etc now it’s the internet.
  9. All the illegitimate PM can only think of enriching himself and keeping out of reach a quality education for the youth of Thailand. He wants to keep them sheep and not to think for themselves. A true despot dinosaur who will do anything to hang onto power. Sex is a natural part of growing up, the youth will use any means to educate themselves. Was it any different in the fifties, sixties and subsequent decades? Then it might have been books, magazines etc now it’s the internet.
  10. How come this isn't a story about an honest taxi driver handing the bag in? We are long overdue for one (or more).
  11. lujanit


    I wear glasses and I have found that clip ons are a waste of time. I continually loose them. Years ago I was fed up with them and I purchased transition glasses. Never looked back.
  12. I must have missed the change in time between booster jabs from four to three months. Anyone can confirm three months?
  13. Chuwit is not in the scam, that's the only reason he is making a fuss.
  14. Why does Anutin always wears a doctors shirt? He is no way trained in anything relating to the medical profession. Just shows what a total fraud he is.
  15. There is a way around this although probably not legal. Get your wife, gf or some other Thai to buy a senior card for you and to add credit to it. Keep it hidden when you use it.
  16. "Currently the average price of gasoline in Thailand is THB 52.650 per litre" I have never paid 52.65 baht per litre. So where does this figure come from?
  17. I just wish they would bring SAL back. It was far cheaper when sending parcels overseas.
  18. Banks are odd like this. It is not the bank itself but the individual you are dealing with. Years ago when I wanted to open an account (retirement extension) it was just a question of going from branch to branch until I was successful. Third time lucky for me. I just went from branch to branch (different banks) in a large shopping mall.
  19. Is it any wonder the murdering Red Bull brat can continue to evade justice. Money aplenty to pay off the cops, judges and any other.
  20. China has taken over Thailand and the Thais don't even know it.
  21. That is because if the BIB started arresting criminals here they would decimate their own ranks.
  22. She needs to stand a little closer to the razor when shaving her upper lip.
  23. 1) Four months 2) Don't know 3) Same answer as 1) as far as I know. My Thai partner had to wait four months between the first jab, second jab and the third (booster) jab.
  24. Thank-you for the prompt replies. I have bookmarked the correct page.
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