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Everything posted by lujanit

  1. Beer Lao is one of the decent beers and it has been taxed to the hilt to prevent ordinary pleebs from buying it.
  2. This story is total BS. Just someone else doing the TAT false propaganda.
  3. I knew a guy who was asked for a small amount of money by a casual female friend. He gave to her and that opened the flood gates. The requests became bigger and bigger and more frequently. Soon her brothers starting to ask for money as well. The family is full of thieves and I once lost $300 from my wallet when I was at his place. When I confronted him he denied everything. The cops are always at their house in the Philippines. Nip it in the bud now before it is too late.
  4. I got the 'about five years' from https://lowendmac.com/2013/how-long-do-apple-support-your-mac/ This is for early Macs so I will check if Apple has changed the policy. I know my 2015 MBP is capable of being updated to Monterey but not Ventura. It looks Apple changed the timetable in 2007. I checked across my three macs and you are right, it is seven to eight years now. My bad for not going beyond this table. Anyway I will try that OpenCore Legacy Patcher on my 2008 MBP. If it fails I have a backup. All my macs run Catalina so I have consistency. Thanks for pointing out my mistake.
  5. There is a channel on YT called Scammer Payback (He goes by the name of Pierogi, a polish dumpling). No one knows what his real name is. He goes after scammers mainly in India. His day time job is in cyber security so he knows what he is doing. More often than not he stops gullible people being scammed. Well worth a watch. There are several more channels on YT which go after scammers. Some of these call centres are very well funded and buy names and identity information by the thousand from people within large organizations or from the dark web. Most of the victims are elderly people which is despicable. Just outright theft. The people who scam should be thrown in jail for a long time after their names and photos have been publicly and widely displayed. No blurring out faces.
  6. Bang him up for life. I hope he dies in the Hilton. These criminals are known to re-offend once they get out.
  7. What is a welfare gun? They will just grind off the QR code like they do with serial numbers.
  8. Has not some party members set up a new party? They must have known this was coming.
  9. That's odd. I received a pair from Zenni about 10 days ago. No I didn't. I use my Australian Paypal account.
  10. There is a shop in The Walk (shopping mall on Ratchapreuk Road) that sells second hand Macs (both laptops and iMacs). The owner also repairs Apple anything. I recently bought an old laptop (2008) so the wife can watch movies on the UDTV. I just kept running into problems on an Windows machine particularly playing sub-titles. I couldn't solve the problem. I was in The Walk for lunch one day and going to the loo I noticed his shop. He had recently replaced the battery so that was good. I ordered a 1TB sata internal SSD and bumped the memory from 4 GB to 16 GB. I did the installation myself and took about 20 minutes. Plenty of YT videos on the subject. What a change to the original. Total cost was about 10k baht. It works perfectly for watching movies, I didn't need anything fancier. He gives a three month guarantee on the entire machine. He loads all sorts of software on it (most of which won't be used) including Windows 10. Nothing over 20k baht. He has quite a few 27" iMacs as well as laptops of varying vintage. Speaks English badly so it helps if you have a Thai with you. I have a 27" iMac (2012) and when he was doing a repair on it I had him install a 1TB 2.5" sata SSD which I sourced separately. The only problem is that with older Macs Apple doesn't provide security and OS updates after about 5 years. There is software available to get around that. Search Mr. Macintosh on YT. The latest version allows you to install Ventura on a unsupported Mac. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3LOqHMo5WSQ&ab_channel=Mr.Macintosh If you are unsure about to get a Mac due to the price of new models this might appeal to you.
  11. If you are BKK an alternative is Dr. Paradon at St. Louis hospital(contact info at https://medsurgeindia.com/contact-us/). To get there use the BTS and get off at Surasak. Just a short walk back the way you came on the train. Dr. Paradon is an Ophthalmologist who gives a thorough eye exam. He can give you a prescription for glasses. The hospital doesn't sell glasses. I use Zennioptical (https://www.zennioptical.com), never had a problem with them. Usually about a week from ordering to receipt. No import tax. They accept Paypal so no need to put in card details.
  12. Siriraj Hospital in Bangkok has several speciality clinics including at least three Psychaitrists. They have an online AI bot to guide you through getting the right person. Read more at https://www2.si.mahidol.ac.th/en/news-events/siriraj-launched-psyjai-a-i-chatbot-for-mental-health/ I am using one of the Psychaitrists for several years now and he speaks excellent English and of course, Thai. He is very professional and doesn't cost a small fortune like private hospitals. He may not be the right person for your wife so I won't name him here. Good luck with finding the right person to treat your wife.
  13. Tell that to the victims family's who were murdered by Thaksin's extrajudicial killings in his so-called war on drugs. I am sure they would agree with you.
  14. Surely not fake news?
  15. There is no statute of limitations on murder in Thailand is there? I strongly suggest the victims of the extrajudical killings that were authorised by Thaksin should sue in a class action suit.
  16. Right. They should be focused on eliminating these disease ridden animals. They won't because most Thais believe in reincarnation and maybe they will come back as a dog. The stupidity that goes on Pattaya on releasing dogs after they have been neutered tells you all you need to know.
  17. TAT, give it a permanent rest. Your bs has become predictable and intolerable. No one, including Thais in tourism believes you anymore.
  18. Proudly orchestrated and sponsored by TAT.
  19. I used Agoda to book a stay in Hua Hin earlier this week. I was pleasantly surprised to find that the hotel we usually stay at had vacancies over the Xmas period. Same price as always and no compulsory Xmas eve dinner, Xmas day lunch at some stupid inflated price. No this is not a cheap hotel. Beach front. This will be our seventh or eighth stay so it must be good, at least for us.
  20. That would be illegal.
  21. Yes at 15 they can get married if the parents consent.
  22. My daughter had an abortion when she was 15. That was a long time ago. I still have mixed feelings about it. Her mother organized it, I was unaware until it was over.????
  23. 60 cm above normal so brace yourselves.
  24. Why not make a race track open for these 'hoons' to race on. There must be a fortune in that.
  25. Well done. Thailand needs more of this type of generous person. I hope all the money goes to the hospitals and is not siphoned off in 'administrated costs'.
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