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Can someone please point me to a fillable download of the form required to do my yearly extension based on retirement. I don't remember the TM number. I have searched the Immigration site yet there seems no download link. TIA
You don't know many Thais do you? I have a friend who has been selling the stuff to ordinary Thais for years. Now he is swamped off his feet with orders and now has eight employees. He works long hours seven days a week just to get orders out of the door.
Medicinal purpose 5555555555555555555555
Subsequent investigations found that the Thai Military radar did see MH370 flying along its border and maybe even in Thai airspace, albeit briefly. They never reported it or launched any aircraft to investigate.
Cha Cha's only achievement, albeit a pathetic one. Putting thousands of low income and cripples out of a source of income. Instead he should have banned the middlemen from buying direct from the GLO. Shame on you Prayuth.
I read this article yesterday morning. We went to Seacon for lunch and I noticed that a lot of food delivery guys had taken their number plate off their bike. Since this notice is not aimed at these food delivery people what can the reason be for removing the number plate? Maybe their erratic driving and not wishing to be caught?
Also the cops were out in force yesterday afternoon on Ratchapreuk pulling over all the utes and trucks. If they wanted to stop a rider who had their plate removed the rider would just keep going knowing the cops couldn't trace them.
I think this falls into the same category as drivers who paint their number plates white and there are a lot of those around. Deliberately not following road rules and not wanting a fine in the mail.
A way I use to check travel time is to look at Grab Taxi. If you know the average taxi (ordinary) fare for off peak hours you can gauge the time in peak hours by seeing what Grab taxi or car will charge. They charge roughly the same as a ordinary taxi in off peak hours yet considerably more in peak hours. I find this extra charge equates to traffic conditions.
If you are thinking of buying cyrpto take a look at Terra and Luna. From market highs to virtually nothing in a few days. High on 5 April ($117.95) to kaboom on 13 May ($0.0005615).