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Everything posted by Will27

  1. Well Trend Setters That's it for another round. Not that bad for West Coast. Only an 8 goal loss and lost one of our promising youngsters with an ACL. Both Ozzydom and Chooka picked the card, with Chooks winning the Snickers bars by the barest of margins. Some strange fixturing for next week. A double header on Friday night for some reason. Bring back Thursday night footy I say. Until next time.
  2. Storyville: Attica: America’s Bloodiest Prison Uprising RAR On September 9th 1971 inmates at Attica maximum security facility in New York State rioted and seized control of the jail, taking guards hostage. When negotiations failed, the authorities stormed the prison, dropping tear gas from helicopters and firing hundreds of live rounds. At least 39 people were killed, including nine of the hostages.
  3. What's changed is that your champions have gotten older and some of the group with premierships have probably lost 5% of their hunger. Not sure if you've been watching WC but we're no chance today.
  4. What's sad is he will come back with a 10 000 word reply on why he's right and you're not.
  5. Dark Water: The Murder of Shani Warren RAR Twenty-six-year-old Shani Warren was found drowned in Taplow Lake, Buckinghamshire, with her hands tied and feet bound together in 1987, with the case becoming known as that of 'the Lady in the Lake". After years of investigation that failed to find the killer, police drew a blank, leaving the family to endure many frustrating years. Then, in 2020, a forensic breakthrough by the Thames Valley Police cold case team finally revealed the terrible truth about what had happened.
  6. Now to decide if we're going to have an 18 or 20 team competition. I hope it's the former.
  7. I had to call Medicare a few months ago and like you, gave up after a what seemed like an hour.
  8. I've acknowledged he messed up his dates. There's nothing childish at all in the comment, because that's what he did! It's no big deal IMO. I was just asking if he had to inform centrelink when he goes overseas, nothing more. So if you either don't want to or can't answer the question, just move on. I Don't need a lecture. You're not the mouthpiece for Centrelink.
  9. He was in Australia when he applied. I can't see why it wouldn't be approved. Like I said, it's not a complicated application and I just assume they're busy. I can't see him changing his flights. Hopefully he hears soon.
  10. Me as well. But he has his flights booked for himself and his Thai girlfriend who is visiting him in Oz.
  11. He's in Oz for another week and a half. Most have government departments have an overseas contact number. I don't think its any quicker though.
  12. Thanks. It's all done via mygov these days so I doubt he has a contact officer. Maybe wait until next week and he can give them a call if he hasn't heard.
  13. He lodged it about a month ago. After about a week they asked for some extra information which he provided. His should be basic as apart from money in the bank, he doesn't have any other assets. I don't what the turn around time is.
  14. A question for those on the OAP. A friend of mine has applied and is still waiting for it to be approved. He messed his dates up a bit and is moving to Thailand in a few weeks. He was hoping to get it approved before he went. Is there any requirement for him to inform Centrelink he's relocating to Thailand? I know they will know already and adjust his pension accordingly, but he wants to know if he as to advise them. He was going to let them know if it was approved whilst he was in Australia but now he's not sure if he will be there or Thailand when it's approved. TIA.
  15. Pretty sure it didn't win mark of the year either. He was robbed.
  16. Do you realise that post you're quoting is 15 years old?
  17. I've no dog in the fight and watched it. The umpires murdered Collingwood.
  18. No Uncle Alex. As you can see by the ladder I posted, it said FJ had 7. All the tips were in but the ladder must not have been updated. Apologies gang.
  19. I managed to make it through the first 20 minutes.
  20. Well Gangsters A great finish to a round with a few upsets. Chooks picked 6, but FJ gets the Turkish Delights this week for a terrific 7. Until next time.
  21. Enjoying this one. Pernille Kurzmann Larsen, a fresh-faced nurse at a hospital, begins to question the attention-seeking tendencies of her colleague, Christina Aistrup Hansen. As Pernille delves deeper into her suspicions, she starts to believe that Christina's behavior may be linked to a series of patient deaths.
  22. Same as the above post. I had a FujiXerox black and white laser printer. It was pretty good but crapped itself after about 3 years. Took it to a repair shop and was quoted 3000 Baht. They make them so cheap these days, in most cases it just isn't worth getting them fixed. Ended up with a new Cannon.
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