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Everything posted by smedly

  1. As I keep saying - there is no such thing as "NEW NORMAL" we either have a normal free society or .................................. This unelected military man has used this dangerous frase many times, it indicates to me what his future intentions are - Total Power - Total Control and oppression, we already see signs of it now, he will use CV19 as trigger to turn Thailand in a direction that will set it back decades - I hope I am wrong
  2. Thailand doesn't deserve foreign tourists Mass stupidity can end up being dangerous if you have enough in the herd
  3. sounds like someone who fled Malaysian - why is Thailand even considering anything
  4. That is a lot of bread and looks like a large operation maybe supplying a certain type of restaurant beginning with "I" Many Ethnic restaurants refine their supply chains and order produce from bulk suppliers from their own communities That whole place in the photo looks disgusting never mind the feet - not very hygenic
  5. my guess would be mid December but I do agree they should open bars etc first to locals
  6. you really don't have any understanding of Chinese tour groups - pretty much everything in your post is incorrect
  7. you seem to have understood the meaning of my post No Chinese No opening and you can forget about bars - not high on the agenda - so as I have posted many times - what exactly did/does "open" mean ????, not bars or nightlife or even lifting of the stupid curfew, in the grand scheme of things it means absolutely nothing
  8. so bars and nightclubs open and curfew finished - right ???????????? yeah right
  9. don't expect pubs and nightclubs to open any time soon - I would say either December or into early next year Pubs and nightclubs are not a requirement for bulk Chinese tour groups so the authorities have no interest in it
  10. “Sinovac had one major advantage over the other vaccines, it was available in large quantities,” said the official on condition of anonymity. “You have to remember that other vaccines like Pfizer and Moderna were backlogged for months, our AstraZeneca plants were not yet operational, so Sinovac was literally the only option we had to get in vaccines and fast.” Lets get this straight - Thailand dropped the ball the blame is 100% with the government for having to order this less effective vaccine from China other vaccines were availble for months - Thailand simply refused to order them early so was forced to order sinovac because they had no choice - lets put the blame exactly where it is deserved
  11. would be helpful if the public was informed of what these changes and new laws are - why isn't the media reporting or at least asking questions
  12. yet more misleading numbers - vaccinated means 2x jabs not one who writes this fake news
  13. you are not alone in that thought My guess is that they are not interested in opening anything until the Chinese authorities allow their citizens to travel, that has always been the target sector - large Chinese tour groups that they can herd around in relative isolation - it is what sandbox is designed for and represents exactly what Chinese tourist did pre-covid
  14. that is pretty serious - time some heads started rolling nothing much more to add
  15. and did you have to do it all again at your next destination ??????????? no didn't think so - everybody knows the general sandbox requirements - not what this topic is about
  16. I think in China ( almost sure) they take an anal swab - I kid you not
  17. did you read the article - they have already done everything you posted but are now being asked to do it again at their next destination
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