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Everything posted by smedly

  1. I agree the idea is a great one but poorly implemented and it has been closed for a week........something not right, maybe a police shake down but I wonder
  2. sangsom 80baht, are they having a laugh, a bottle is 280b in 7/11, out of that you get 30 25ml measures - that is 10b a drink, add a splash of coke and it is 13baht at the very most, considering a beer is about 40baht to buy they make 40baht on a beer, who did the maths on sangsom, very obviously an idiot
  3. you made my point, that is horrendous, I'm in pattaya, try finding one sober after 1am, that's why I use the same drivers I've been using for years, they will come and pick me up from anywhere - good fare and trusted - don't drink
  4. 57% of Thais can afford a domestic holiday, wow
  5. well there used to be a price structure that win drivers had to display - not any more, 1km 30baht and 10baht for every extra km, now they want 60baht minimum (1km), at least with bolt the price is agreed before the journey, I had a trip of less than 1km a couple of weeks ago (random win driver) and he started a shouting match when I handed him 40baht, they are ### scam artists, I try to use the same regular drivers for the same trips been doing it for years, only when I engage a stranger is there a problem when they constanty try to rip me of with ridiculous fares
  6. there are many of these games available to Thais on their phones and they are losing thousands of baht playing them, a girl told me she lost 500k in a couple of weeks, there are many girls I see sitting around playing these scam games and that is exactly what they are - a scam
  7. tbh he probably got rid of a scumbag who had it coming - my verdict - a job well done
  8. he didn't have the sense to keep away from drugs, i had a friend Many years ago who fell into a bad crowd, known drug dealers, farangs, i told him to delete my number from his phone and not contact me again, yes we met many times after that but only as friends, to many risks I am not prepared to take, the thai police are ------- upt
  9. details please, make it simple - just name 5 then name the serious negative image as read in the news every single day from violence to accidents and all in between - from a democracy joke to blatant corruption, and of course prostitution doesn't exist in all the main tourist areas - are you ### kidding
  10. no problem, a hospital room waits until you feel better
  11. any chance this idiot can't drive, I'll bet he was on his phone, there is only one person driving this bus...... the idiot behind the wheel
  12. they often refer to pattaya as chonburi
  13. does anyone know how these senate elections are performed - like everything in Thailand sounds like it rigged....... is it the most corrupt country in SEA, could it be a new HUB of cor
  14. boy do they want rid of him bad i suspect he's too honest for their liking, can't have that now can we - someone not willing to bend
  15. was his intention not to pay, this is a really weird story, did he have booking that he prepaid and there was some dispute over the booking, I'd like to hear his version of the story
  16. to vague, happy why ? I know
  17. hey go down soi 6 in pattaya, in fact the whole city is one massive brothel and has been for years, waken up - Sretha you really don't know - bs
  18. won't make a difference - we all know who won the election and will win even bigger next time Thailand needs to get out of this cycle, the youth have spoken - ignore at your peril
  19. what ###### regulations - you want to share with the customer i would rather walk than give these a55hloes a penny, the sooner bolt is an option in phuket the better
  20. don't know what they are trying to achieve by making this in person simple task vastly more complicated, I can only assume it is spite as it makes no logical sense, my 12 month extension is easier - go figure
  21. if the german thug is not in jail right now there should be an investigation to find out why, no doubt bribes were offered to make this go away, did it go away?
  22. send your agent now or go in person, you have 7 days after your 90 day period after your last entry into Thailand in Feb otherwise a 2000baht fine
  23. who wrote this article dilusional nonsense
  24. I remember walking alone in pattaya and 2 trans women walked up me from behind and one them tried to distract me while the other had a hand in back pocket trying to remove my wallet, not saying that's what happened in this case but it wouldn't surprise me, they do have a reputation for such things, I can easily see how this can happen
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