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Everything posted by smedly

  1. not sure that is correct, if you are ordinarily resident (6 months) you can resume free NHS Healthcare, there are exceptions if you worked in the forces or police etc you never loose free treatment, and they seldom check anyway
  2. notice how there is not a mention of the current virus spreading in China and overloading hospitals there, have no lessons been learned these last 3 years
  3. i cannot see the logicical thinking here, anyone that goes out with the intention to drink and drive are going to do it regardless of what time the venue closes, it is not a viable option to curb drink driving, a viable option would be to get the police to do their job but then they are probably all drunk by then and driving home
  4. they do but like everything else to do with laws and enforcement it was forgotten the day the ink hit paper
  5. what do you think, what is your gut feeling...........in the west we take this very seriously - get a 40b taxi home- no need to be you wonder why the west has police enforing traffic laws - if you don't get it then you are part of the problem, Thailand dons't get it, .......... they never will, a lot of the drunk drivers out there in the small hours are police, they think they are untouchable - in some ways that is true
  6. actually bus accidents in the UK are rare and are usually very minor, not much in Thailand were the news reports several weekly and are not so minor
  7. yet more senseless loss of life on Thailands dangerous roads, you can make a guess what caused this to happen - driver fatigue - speeding - lack of driving skills - mobile phone use - mechanical failure etc etc etc but the fact remains - at least 14 people are dead due to all or a combination or one of the above RIP
  8. Two days later, the German suspect was taken to the Pattaya court, to have his detention extended for further questioning. The suspect then sought bail and the application was granted by the court on the condition that he must report to the court on November 14th, or his 500,000 baht surety would be confiscated. On November 7th, the German suspect flew out of Thailand. try doing that with an unpaid hospital bill, the police trying to defend this is hilarious and also tragic, money talks here, money number one
  9. OMG, and one week was bad enough in pattaya, do they really think this is a tourist attraction, everyone i know can't wait for it to be over and some even leave the country to escape the madness, delusional
  10. you only have to look at this guy to work out that he is a thug, bully and gangster and i am sure not his first murder, what the hell is a kanman anyway - i think i gave an accurate description above
  11. well you can try and justify your actions but it is still murder
  12. his wife (thai) obviously did the right thing and stayed well out of it
  13. that's going to cost drink drugs likely involved I remember being on a flight with an idiot like this, he eventually got into a physical altercation with a member of cabin crew and I had enough, brought to the floor and restrained - he was arrested when we landed, I got an applause
  14. get on a flight and go home, I wonder about these people who are deemed not fit for air travel,
  15. fire them, here you have a large number of people full of self importance on huge salaries making decisions that affect the poor (majority of people) fire them
  16. like he didn't know every detail about this hike before it was published my hero
  17. you are not in Germany and if want to make comparisons like that the you have to include things like average salary, minimum wage and welfare payments for those out of work, average anual income in the UK is over 40k a year or almost 2m baht
  18. there is no way someone was living in that room, Something smells with this story
  19. 555, I will never get my head around that one, ok yes people who lived here may have needed to return but some were actually coming on holiday ..... the mind boggles Then the absurdity of those with family (many examples) who could stay all day in the family home but had to return to a quarantine hotel to sleep - only in Thailand
  20. reportedly brought her to a hotel in South Pattaya and handed her 700 dollars to buy alcoholic beverages this is of course her story which makes no sense at all, pretty sure that is not his version of events
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