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Everything posted by smedly

  1. it is when being discussed on here and responding to headline on here
  2. no surprise really, the election result was ignored - how is that even close to democracy, the fact remains that it isn't
  3. not if MFP is ejected/disoleved - if that happens how can you have a functioning government when 40% of it is no longer there.....................they think they can continue with this farse ??? OMG
  4. as if drink driving wasn't enough lets intoduce another drug the cops fail to deal with, ### stupidly beyond understanding
  5. is that they have to complain about ? how about drunk driving, speeding, mobile use, careless driving, and the carnage on thia roads
  6. pay up or hold an election the courts should disolve all the parties for election fraud
  7. parliament can't function with half the MP's kicked out, an election must take place this country is a farce
  8. hmmm, still should be a hefty fine if caught in possession or using
  9. how about waiting until after th event instead of your crystal ball pedictions
  10. not your business, why have an MPC when you are constantly interfering, not a wise move to question policy in public now for the 2nd time
  11. perhaps a moderator could clean this thread up and remove the nonsense
  12. i am resident, been here over 20 years but only had visa extensions from 50, my FCD was opened about 13 years ago internally transferred from my Thai current account, note the facility to do that was removed from online banking, you can of course do it the other direction, FCD to BAHT, clearly I have had these funds pre 2024
  13. I have an FCD account in Bangkok bank, the funds where deposited from Thai account (when it was possible) in a lump sum, the origin of the funds was a transfer from UK many years ago, the balance hasn't changed for a very long time, I use it for visa extension yearly, it is in Thailand in Thai bank, I don't see how this can be taxed
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