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Everything posted by smedly

  1. 100% agree it doesn't matter, he was old got robbed by Thais, he was 81 years of age ff s this country is lost, going backwards, shocking how the incompetent uneducated are running things, not what the people voted for is it. thai people it is your country, it really is
  2. the last people to know they are psychotic are people suffering from psychosis
  3. so does this make it right to legalize?, as I have said many times - there is already a problem with alcohol on Thailands roads, we don't need another one. and I have seen the long term effects on mental heath from prolific use and it is disturbing. I really don't object to sensible occasional use or medical use but what is going on now with full commercial access is the wrong direction, sorry PS - plus I hate the smell - it stinks
  4. ban it, we don't need more spaced out (drunk) on the roads here
  5. government should be handling out free water to everyone
  6. don't need to say any more have they learned from this.............I seriously doubt it
  7. he has two pensions going to his bank every month the GFM is a scam - someone taking advantage RIP
  8. corrupt thieves her business was fine when she was alive this place is rotten to the core RIP
  9. I don't think it would have made a difference, the problem here is enforcement- it is as simple as that, until they get really serious about prosecuting and taking people to jail, never happen .......while the police ignore and flaunt their own laws - people will die,
  10. It was an election bribe and they still lost now they can't afford to pay it just as well they don't have a welfare system to fund like in the west
  11. how many times was his passport checked during his commute, he must be 10 cards short of a full deck or there is some other more sinister explanation for this, Phuket is not a place I would want to visit right now considering the seemingly active effort to by law enforcement to pick on farangs right now, I'd be giving it a very wide birth right now, who puts a small bag of illegal drugs in the pages of their passport and then hands it to immigration police at an airport ....................... think about it - seriously
  12. some people feel the need to say something no matter how stupid, better to say nothing at all RIP
  13. tourism sector struggling lets put prices up - Thai logic 101 When things were good reinvestment of prophets into improving infrastructure was the right thing to do instead of stuffing in your greedy pockets, now crying out for money from those who haven't even arrived in the country lol By now Thailand should be a pristine tourist destination with high standards of locations and safety, 40 years of income what has improved.......nothing, in fact it is going backwards
  14. got him by the John Thomas
  15. thailand is primarily export which includes tourism
  16. cut him a break, he's an Aussie - they have more anger issues than most nationalities
  17. he made 2 mistakes 1. Going to phuket 2. not agreeing the fare before his journey and being a knob
  18. I have been living here 24 years on a pension, not old enough yet for a state pension in the UK, I pay tax on my income, it does cover my booze bill lol, horses for courses
  19. oh like increasing interest rates lol said it many times, this is good for exports and tourism - not sure I see many downsides unless of course you are a local wanting to invest outside Thailand
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