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Everything posted by smedly

  1. that's going to cost drink drugs likely involved I remember being on a flight with an idiot like this, he eventually got into a physical altercation with a member of cabin crew and I had enough, brought to the floor and restrained - he was arrested when we landed, I got an applause
  2. get on a flight and go home, I wonder about these people who are deemed not fit for air travel,
  3. fire them, here you have a large number of people full of self importance on huge salaries making decisions that affect the poor (majority of people) fire them
  4. like he didn't know every detail about this hike before it was published my hero
  5. you are not in Germany and if want to make comparisons like that the you have to include things like average salary, minimum wage and welfare payments for those out of work, average anual income in the UK is over 40k a year or almost 2m baht
  6. there is no way someone was living in that room, Something smells with this story
  7. 555, I will never get my head around that one, ok yes people who lived here may have needed to return but some were actually coming on holiday ..... the mind boggles Then the absurdity of those with family (many examples) who could stay all day in the family home but had to return to a quarantine hotel to sleep - only in Thailand
  8. reportedly brought her to a hotel in South Pattaya and handed her 700 dollars to buy alcoholic beverages this is of course her story which makes no sense at all, pretty sure that is not his version of events
  9. so speeding - likely no licence or insurance - modified bike with no exhaust - running red lights - no number plate etc etc, cop pulls gun ? (crazy) and then lets him go after a telling him off, seriously ? 3rd world thailand and getting worse
  10. wow many hidden talents leading the medical team and I thought he was just dumb
  11. now that is worth paying attention to but no - tourism is more important, close the border now, we don't
  12. why on earth did he kill everyone - couldn't he just move on RIP The mind boggles
  13. the Russian should be facing charges and if alcohol or drugs are involved then a very severe charge, this country is seriously ### RIP x2 the damage on that bike is not consistant with a rear end collision
  14. An unidentified tour guide told police that the man also had personal health problems which complicated the CPR process. oh ?, maybe he should not have been snorkeling RIP
  15. followed topics no emails no email notification on followed forums with new posts, yes I know you just got up and running after almost a week but it does no harm to make you aware of issues perhaps a dedicated topic on this forum might be useful ...................like this one
  16. be great to see the improvement after all this time, they usually leave jobs like this unfinished and worse than it was before
  17. ha ha, read comments already posted before I make one, does no harm I guess to let them know were our focus is...........................extortion
  18. lets see the ranking from Jan 1st 2024 when the Thai government tries to steal (tax) money from expats/retirees
  19. and tastes nothing like cod, each to their own I guess
  20. or what are they making the assumption that everyone is driving - just shows the mindset and what the real problem is - they know and assume everyone drinks and drives
  21. believe it or not the UK has a law exactly like this as do most countries in the west, how it is used is a mystery
  22. who is idiot, does he not realise how stupid this is how on earth is this man employed in a highly responsible position getting into a vehicle and driving while drunk has nothing to do with the venue, why not ask the person if they intend to drive before serving them a drink.............like they are going tell it is the sole responsibility of the police to catch and prosecute drunk drivers, if they were actively doing this then just maybe people wouldn't make the choice to do it in the first place
  23. dig a little deeper and you will find the opposite but no doubt there are sinister elements trying to change things, anyway it is off topic for this thread I love cod
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