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Everything posted by smedly

  1. so speeding - likely no licence or insurance - modified bike with no exhaust - running red lights - no number plate etc etc, cop pulls gun ? (crazy) and then lets him go after a telling him off, seriously ? 3rd world thailand and getting worse
  2. wow many hidden talents leading the medical team and I thought he was just dumb
  3. now that is worth paying attention to but no - tourism is more important, close the border now, we don't
  4. why on earth did he kill everyone - couldn't he just move on RIP The mind boggles
  5. the Russian should be facing charges and if alcohol or drugs are involved then a very severe charge, this country is seriously ### RIP x2 the damage on that bike is not consistant with a rear end collision
  6. An unidentified tour guide told police that the man also had personal health problems which complicated the CPR process. oh ?, maybe he should not have been snorkeling RIP
  7. followed topics no emails no email notification on followed forums with new posts, yes I know you just got up and running after almost a week but it does no harm to make you aware of issues perhaps a dedicated topic on this forum might be useful ...................like this one
  8. be great to see the improvement after all this time, they usually leave jobs like this unfinished and worse than it was before
  9. ha ha, read comments already posted before I make one, does no harm I guess to let them know were our focus is...........................extortion
  10. lets see the ranking from Jan 1st 2024 when the Thai government tries to steal (tax) money from expats/retirees
  11. and tastes nothing like cod, each to their own I guess
  12. or what are they making the assumption that everyone is driving - just shows the mindset and what the real problem is - they know and assume everyone drinks and drives
  13. believe it or not the UK has a law exactly like this as do most countries in the west, how it is used is a mystery
  14. who is idiot, does he not realise how stupid this is how on earth is this man employed in a highly responsible position getting into a vehicle and driving while drunk has nothing to do with the venue, why not ask the person if they intend to drive before serving them a drink.............like they are going tell it is the sole responsibility of the police to catch and prosecute drunk drivers, if they were actively doing this then just maybe people wouldn't make the choice to do it in the first place
  15. dig a little deeper and you will find the opposite but no doubt there are sinister elements trying to change things, anyway it is off topic for this thread I love cod
  16. in other words he is a scammer taking advantage of those on deaths door if he is so convinced then charge on a performance basis, no win no fee, or go back to driving a taxi and stop trying to scam people who are vulnerable
  17. there is a difference between having Chinese police operating on foreign soil and Chinese people making up a police presence in a community in what is effectively their home, I don't agree with either, recruiting from across the community for a balanced approach is always best, shouldn'tmake a difference if the law is being enforced but it is a good look
  18. having an effective police presence on the streets of Thailand would be a nice change but....................... not really workable what would be more effective is if the Thai police understood what their ### job was and did it
  19. hey go easy, UK is better off out of that power hungry club, we are doing ok and can only get better, i accept both views but as it turns out we are sweet please don't reply it is off topic I am looking forward to a fish supper next week thx to all that have made a contribution to this topic
  20. thanks for the info, can you order a delivery
  21. are they tourists or asylum seekers - take your pick lets see what happens when the money runs out for most of them Phuket then becomes a huge headache for Thailand and a crime ridden geto
  22. New one opened recently on Newplaza, anyone tried it ?
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