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Everything posted by smedly

  1. omg - do they even know what that paragraph actually said.................................covict ? hilarious
  2. I have been to the tax office in pattaya to reclaim tax i paid on interest from a savings account, altogether very pleasant people because they don't see many foreigners in there, took me 5hrs up and down floors and then waited 6 months for my rebate afer visiting 2 times, you think immigration is bad ......... just wait and see how good immigration actually is, don't get me wrong - my experience was fun - just not productive as they didn't speak english
  3. how about a slot machine app that many Thais are falling victim to, it is clearly against the law as i said before - they think they can win and do sometimes - a few hunderd baht now and again, but you couldn' tell them that it is a scam, a girl has lost 500,000 bhat - yes 500k this is so sad that they have become victims of these scrupulous people I don't know the actual app concerned but i assume it is on the playstore gambling is illegal in Thailand......and i can uderstand why the authorities need to investigate this and shut it down
  4. there are some seriously ## up people in this country, and it is getting worse, really sad
  5. yeah you are probaly right- the billionaire pm and his billionaire friends want to tax falangs, makes it more complicated ..............they are very obviously tageting us, life in Thailand just got very much more complicated, i spend a lot of money here in Thailand spanning over 20 years , good luck getting tax out of me, stupid nonsense
  6. I pay tax in the uk, there is no avoinding it if you have a legit income like a pension how many people do you think have an "income" and don't pay tax ? this is why governments are now pushing hard for a cashless system, the ultimate control
  7. there are criminals who bring millions of baht into this country in cash, they have paid zero tax on this money in their home countries and have probably be collecting benefits most of their lives that is who they should be targeting - but again to complicated
  8. you can work that out, how are they going too good luck with that if I have to do a border run every 180 days - i will, ## them, but it won't happen, too complex to administer
  9. why does SRETTHA always look like he is unhinged let's get the constitution changed - particular interest is the involvement of senate in PM selection, it should be the people only that select PM - and they did and it wasn't SRETTHA
  10. he looked in the inside of a thai prison and got a panic attack (who wouldn't) but he is special
  11. the look of honestly he actually looks like he needs therapy,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,lets get the constitution changed and see were its at, I'll bet that is off the table, MFP still have a majority - lets see if PT do what they said they would do - so far it's the opposite
  12. migrants are ok - don't want to stop the flow, who wants to go to finland on holiday - not me lol
  13. show the faces of these criminals, so the rest of us no who they are it is in the public interest to be aware of these thieves, any other country would be plastering their photo all over the media to make people aware, unless of course the ### want to keep their identity hiden, now why would that be I wonder
  14. a travesty - the country you love is still in the hands of the military and crooks, no wonder you are emotional, i cry with you Sirilapas, you won the election - why are you not running the country, the people voted ?
  15. and what independent measures are in place to make sure the billions of baht are used correctly ? no accountability exists in Thailand - still 3rd world nomatter how you paint it, it shouldn't be
  16. total nonsence, who makes these stupid statements when it's not safe to breath the air in bangkok 12 months a year, Thailand is polluting , it costs money to go green, huge money, not going to happen, can talk about it, lets see the details how you are going to achieve this Keerati Kitmanawat, no didn't think so
  17. I honesty don't blame them when there is an idiot trying to rule the world called ........ Putin, who has has threatened on numerous occasions to nuke the world, signatures of a madman, go ahead nuke the planet, put up or shut up, oh and get out of Ukraine, you will not be allowed to win
  18. waken up idiots - 365 days a year because the police don't know what their job is the carnage continues until someone with an education comes down hard on drunk driving - speeding and whatever driving laws are broken without enforcement - yes the laws exist - why ?
  19. does this include foreign workers or are they exploited and treated differently
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