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Everything posted by smedly

  1. in other words he is a scammer taking advantage of those on deaths door if he is so convinced then charge on a performance basis, no win no fee, or go back to driving a taxi and stop trying to scam people who are vulnerable
  2. there is a difference between having Chinese police operating on foreign soil and Chinese people making up a police presence in a community in what is effectively their home, I don't agree with either, recruiting from across the community for a balanced approach is always best, shouldn'tmake a difference if the law is being enforced but it is a good look
  3. having an effective police presence on the streets of Thailand would be a nice change but....................... not really workable what would be more effective is if the Thai police understood what their ### job was and did it
  4. hey go easy, UK is better off out of that power hungry club, we are doing ok and can only get better, i accept both views but as it turns out we are sweet please don't reply it is off topic I am looking forward to a fish supper next week thx to all that have made a contribution to this topic
  5. thanks for the info, can you order a delivery
  6. are they tourists or asylum seekers - take your pick lets see what happens when the money runs out for most of them Phuket then becomes a huge headache for Thailand and a crime ridden geto
  7. New one opened recently on Newplaza, anyone tried it ?
  8. I second that, you still have do everything that you would if there on your own, why would I pay an agent Bt15k to hold my hand - con artists
  9. you are embarrassing yourself, give it a rest, take your meds consider yourself special - welcome to my ignore list, very few are there but when someone constantly posts nonsense when they have been told to drop it - you leave me no choice, bye
  10. really ? you need a lesson in real world Barry, seriously you do and real world Thailand is up a notch compared to most, I am really surprised at that post from you............don't bother with a reply
  11. omg speechless what braincell come up with this totally ridiculous idea I don't even understand what they are talking about, are the going to figure out who is driving and test them ? stupid people, that is the job of police which is severely lacking A big song and dance about 4am closures - places are alreay open to 4am and have been for months
  12. so was it the poles fault - or someting else or was the driver just incapable of driving and ### up
  13. will thailand have the ### to tell them where to go I believe Taiwan holidays here too in great numbers I love Taiwan
  14. subs without engines apart from the obvious corruption that was going on - why did they not opt for the engines Chinese subs had ? oh that's right maybe Germany supplies those to China surprise surprise
  15. why so many tyrants - we will never learn greed and power = destruction it is written, we will never learn, some greedy #### who has it all wants more sad really, the next steps are obvious as we make the same mistakes again, not sure anyone survives this time, crazy putin keeps threatening - stupid excuse for a man, maybe he is terminally ill and doesn't care, i think that is what they want us to believe - a very unstable midget - dangerous
  16. little mouse Srettha will of course comply, he has no backbone, a yes man as long as his pockets are being filled China is a bully and a dangerous one, Taiwan, will not be bullied, niether will Ukraine, if Russia and China don't back off then the future is bleak, I mans self destruction is not far away, we keep repeating the same mistake - somone thinks the have the power, Putin.....desperate to save face for the grave error he made invading Ukraine, how stupid was that, he will NOT be allowed to win, the west will try and avoid humiliation but there will come a time when it is unavoidable - Putin will be humiliated unless he backs off, pointless destruction and loss of life, what is he 5"6 - not realy man size so I guess he feels inferior so i have some sympathy as for Taiwan, leave it alone china, you will get it handed to you and you know it, they are armed to the teeth.......try it at you peril and as for your bully tactics in the SCH especially towards Philippines - that will not be tolerated much longer
  17. what time of the morning the guy was obviously out of it he thought he was paying in baht stupid #### the taxi driver should have realised there was something wrong - maybe the fact the guy was out of it shame on the taxi driver or maybe he was trying to convince everyone he didn't rob the guy, either way he needs to meet the guy and confirm it was all above board.....................I very much doubt it
  18. thailand very safe ? I think the Chinese are right, it is no longer safe here I used to love traveling all over the country - not sure i would do it now and I have lived here 19 years, the place is ####ed, When MFP got #### over it really was curtains - I just hope the people will not forget what went on
  19. another pointless rule to curb enjoyment - stupidity lets look into the finances of these park managers, what we will find is they are unusually wealthy, why
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