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Everything posted by smedly

  1. what planet are these people living in saying that - can we have the total Thai government wearing masks because it makes me sick every time I look at them - I vote mask for gov - are there any super sized available that could completely cover their heads or better still - just one huge one that they can wear together at all times .......................... with a big "D" logo .............and the cumulative IQ of them all combined - pretty sure not a lot of ink required
  2. and how little you very obviously know - I have no illusions about the west and how infuencial might have legal busness interests here and there- but in places like Thailand and Russian as a few examples - it is straight out criminal theft, I do not have an issue with politisians who have their own businesses etc ..............although some of that might be suspect, Thailand is entirely different - they just thieve from the public - there is no budget accountability - so how little do you know ........................naive is the best way to describe it so tuck your soapbox away and have a long hard think
  3. just have an indendent financial audit and all will be revealed
  4. so what ? it has been around for years I just sneezed while typing this just looking for a tissue enough of this ##
  5. 100% agree - it is either blind stupidity or - blind stupidity or just plain stupid or ........................................simple people with a very low IQ who are unusually rich and pretty much everyone wonders how exactly they got their money which they will never have to disclose
  6. cases of what a runny nose Thais that I know for years go to hospital or doctor for a cold, go away with a hamper of multi coloured pills, if you have a runny nose buy a box of cleaned, covid is finished, why does Thailand need to keep this going ? - I know the answer and I am sure most people also know...................................I feel another emergency budget coming were these bent ## just keep filling their pockets ...............................it is on another scale - we have seen how the Russian elete have helped themselves - this is what happens when you have zero fiscal accountability ...............basically people in power helping themselves and writting laws/legislation that hides all of it, my best guess is that Thailand is right up there with Russian and all the rest, theiving on a grand scale
  7. Prawit is resposible for road safety in Thailand - 10 years what has he done ????? ######### ##### RIP - very sad
  8. like what more stupid nonsense - and I quote myself from 12 months ago - either open or don't ............#### or get off the pot just more wood from these uneducated people
  9. the delay has little to do with CV19, they are trying save their own ### while maintaining maximum control over everything and everyone, they know their days are numbered - the people are fed up with this bunch of unelected ### running things and enriching themselves, I suspect that if the tide really turns against them they will suspend all future elections and maintain power by force - effectively dumping what was left of Thai style democracy, they will come out with some B S statement - "In the interests of people and country after this very challenging 30 months we have decided it is best for us all that we stay in office for a further 5 years and oversee the recovery"
  10. Prawit has been responsible for road safety for the last 10 years - why has he still got a job ??????????????? ### #######
  11. how tragic is that so sad looks like another crossing incident which will not be mentioned RIP
  12. for gods sake - anything to keep this going MP is a completely different disease and does not need any special attention more wood
  13. yeah but they wonder around doing nothing - spending nothing ............ quality oh and just to add there has been a recent influx of fat birds hanging around a few hotels recently ..............god help them
  14. it seems you are paying for something that I am not - but hey if you're paying ...............................................there is a reason lol
  15. Putins dogs are willing to lay waste to everything, total destruction of everything and that right there is the problem, the Ukraine army are not going to lay waste to their own country, unfortunately that is not going to work, the only way they can fight these scum is to do exactly what they are doing, also target military infrastructure over the border in Russia, they cannot target civilians because they would then be just as bad as Puttin's scum - what they are doing is shameful laying waste to everything - the destruction is shocking, should Ukraine do the same over the border ? - give them a taste on their home soil ? ...................................hmmm
  16. I hope he has a few very good bodyguards - he is going to need them - I predict an incident involving guns
  17. well it seems they are determined to get their way - the losers, it doesnt matter what was lost or found - it should not make any difference - they are clutching at straws - it was a very obvious win .............................. just watch how this BS evolves - the local power/mafia are trying to fudge it - hardly a surprise is it
  18. everybody knows who won - get over it
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