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Everything posted by smedly

  1. where are they ? Pattaya has been getting noticeably quieter and quieter over these last 6 weeks or so
  2. two boxes of tissues instead of one I have known Thai friends who will go to a doctor for a slight cold, next day day they show off the pile of tablets they got - meanwhile (speaking for myself) I buy a box of tissues and lay low for a couple of days
  3. better keep your mouth shut or it will be closed I have never seen this country in a worse state than it is now - politically oppressed - very unhappy people - road carnage getting worse (Prawit is doing a great job there) Thailand needs a big reset - something that has never happened before - it needs to happen - why are the people putting up with this ?
  4. oh here we go ..............it is illegal unless you are me you couldn't make it up anyone see what is developing here - I saw it weeks ago
  5. what are you going on about, in the UK ministers cannot be appointed unless they are elected MP's, you are talking nonsense
  6. Thaksin you are just as bad as those in power right now - this country needs huge reform - it does not need greedy corrupt ### returning to do pretty much what those in power are doing right now The people need to be able to vote for individuals into government - not a party which allows that party to put in place people they never directly elected - THAT IS NOT DEMACRACY - who voted for Prawit ? who voted for Anutin - and the cheese on the cake - who voted for Prayut ?????????? - nobody - the Thaipeople think they have demacracy - if they understood it they would realise that the people running the country were not put in place by them .........maybe their party won but they didn't
  7. I don't see any women in that photo - do they get a say ? The topic of Womens rights are very much more important - get that right and peple might listen to what you have to say
  8. most countries I have visited have a street sweeping operation that starts in the small hours to clean the place up and help acoid the accumulation of general waste vlocking drains - not so in Thailand as they will not spend the money on such things - that is why many cities/towns in foreign countries are rubbish free in the mornings because a team works overnight to clean it up, Pattaya streets are extremely dirty with rubbish everywhere - no wonder after heavy rain drains get blocked up
  9. the only votes that should count are those from the Thai public, it seems that to be in government here all you need is party membership of the winning party, in the UK you cannot serve in government unless you win your seat in local elections
  10. the simple truth is that the police are not doing enough - in fact are they doing anything, it is no good catching a drunk driver after they have had an accident and killed - the whole purpose of policing is protection of the public - a concept that the police here don't seem to understnad - you have to catch these people before they kill - crime prevention
  11. so I am not quite understanding this if he committed crimes in Thailand then why was he not arrested charged and prosecuted "in Thailand", sounds to me like they let him go free
  12. it is what happens in Russia - anyone looking like a threat is bagged and tagged - democracy Thai style ........................not demacracy - it is a joke, in the UK you actually have to win your seat before you can be an MP. not so in Thailand - your party wins then members can serve no matter if the peple voted for them or not, that is not demacracy - it is stupid nonsense - how the Thai people put up with this is quite shocking - if only they knew how it is supposed to work, then I would not blame them for rising up - but for now they don't seem to get it - you have people in power here that nobody voted for - as long as their party wins then they can appoint themselves - who voted for them ? nobody
  13. Oh how stupid they are - if Anutin the pot king had his way - every farm in Thailand would be growing weed because he thinks it is a good idea especially for his farms yeah dump the rice and grow weed instead ...........................the godfather of weed in Thailand .......................pretty scary, a drug that is dangerous in excess and was highly illegal in Thailand 3 months ago is being promoted by a DPM Anutin - what do I think of that - I would get a bann on here if I gave honest my opiniion - medical use only - ##
  14. 3.3% growth measured against what - a 20% decline ? it means nothing household debt and the banks exposure is more interesting
  15. I have no issue with someone partaking in consuming weed in private - but this idiot is trying to get a country addicted, a government promoting this is very careless and will not end well, the medical use excuse has been abandoned - they need to get control of this now before it gets out of control otherwise the basket case ratio in Thailand will rocket, weed has long lasting well documented mental side effects when abused
  16. no kidding, Dr. Tares Krassanairawiwong can you explain to us all how you get round this - we are waiting as for hospitals filling up - My experience is that Thais will seek medical help for a runny nose, we need to move on
  17. and how is Thailand prtecting their citizens ? doing nothing sounds about right
  18. like I said in a previous post on this thread - I expect to see more and more accidents involving aircraft over the next 24 months - we are already starting to see a trend, in my humble opinion I don't think air travel is as safe as it was 3 years ago.............I have already read today about 2x recent serious accidents, unfortunately we will not know why these happened any time soon people should do a search for.. Mentour Now! .. on YT - compelling channel and will keep you busy for days - the guy is brilliant, he goes into great detail about accidents involving aircraft - it is really good and scary
  19. ultimate power - will he even attend and what difference will it make - the Thai people did not elect him or his deputies, Democracy Thai style, just appoint yourselves even if the people didn't vote for you In the UK to serve as an MP you have got to win your seat - not so in Thailand
  20. engineer of what exactly ? how about sharing your opinion on the the topic instead of the "I'm an engineer and you are all talking ##" stupid nonsense and quite frankly for a self claimed expert on everything - well you have to be since according to you we are all talking z3#................the engineer of ? ##, I will guess you from the USA who have to odd ## that thinks they know everything..........you don't oh and I have 3rd level education but I don't need to brag about it, common sense overrides stupidity no matter how smart you think you are, right now pretty much everyone has an opinion about you, try joining and contributing to the conversation instead of telling everyone they are stupid because you are "an engineer" lol
  21. I agree, modern aircraft pretty much fly themselves until something goes wrong - it could be a ground crew error - a maintenance error etc etc but ultimately it falls the pilots to recover the situation which usually needs to happen very quickly how have these aircraft been maintained while sitting doing nothing is also a huge concern
  22. exactly, and those deaths would have included many pilots lets not forget we did not have vaccines for quite some time into this debacle
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