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Everything posted by smedly

  1. having the virus enter your body and going on to develope "covid" the disease are entirely different things, a PCR test will detect the virus but there are thresholds to determine actual levels, also the test may also detect dead viral particles - the world has moved on - what is wrong with Thailand ? This story should be published on mainstream world media so that people understand the risks in coming here
  2. they should have gone to the med or just about anywhere else, most sensible countries have now lifted restrictions why on earth would you come here
  3. which is exactly why the rest of the world are moving on Thailand as always well behind the curve as usual TBH there is no way I would be travelling here until they stop this stupid nonsense but of course they have an agenda to keep it going - plenty of budgets to theive from and small brained power and control - I also thnk there is something dodgy about PCR tests performed in BKK - there have been several reports of people testing positive then negative within hours - there is a threshold for tests - it is not an exact science - she should have bought a bunch of rapid tests which would likely be more accurate But ultimately they should have gone somewhere else, I am sure there are many stories like this that we never get the hear about
  4. what ??? lock her up just in case anyone with any grey matter might support her lets have a vote Prinn Panitchpakd - 90% Prayuth - nothing Anutin - nothing Pawwit - nothing we have a clear winner am I wrong ? lets throw in Future Forward Party who have all been arrested ...................any takers on that one Oh this place is going to explode ........................... time to do it now - the emergency ## isn't worth a jot .......................... why can they not take a hint
  5. should have busted a window and dragged her out, police here not understand what an arrestable offence is ?
  6. was that a typo - let me clear it up for you "who they pay" the whole thing is absurdity x10 people are getting sick and tired of restrictions - time to end this madness
  7. what is going on on top of this pensions in the uk are now being presented with other benefits - people can claim stuff at old age on pension to supliment what they are getting - in other words if you are in the UK you can claim for almost automatic benefits to as much as 400 quid a month - so they have divided pension payments between what you would normaly get and other claims , I am not of state pension age but unless you are in the UK you will not get those other benefits you would be entitled too which further dilutes your payments - my observation as I see it you should not have to claim extras - it should be in your pnesion default just more ways of getting shafted
  8. quote -No witnesses saw the accident but people nearby heard the loud crash. According to local residents this road was very dark which is believed to be one of the factors that caused the accident. speeding - drunk - phone use, take your pick - maybe all 3 a young teenager is dead RIP
  9. it hasn't increased, you're just making an effort on detection which should be 365 days a year not just 7
  10. so it's not an event but go ahead with none event activities which much excludes nothing it's a bit like calling a bar a restaurant when in fact it is clearly operating as a bar when is an event not an event ? when is a bar not a bar ? when is not stupid ............ stupid ?
  11. covid covid covid covid .......................................... emergency budgets emergency budgets emergency budgets emergency budgets .......................... billions of baht billions of baht billions of baht billions of baht - what is not to like in a country were fiscal accountability is zero and leaders exempted themselves from declaring wealth gained while in office no wonder they want to keep it going as long as possible
  12. it would be very interesting to know who exactly is involved in this company - something I imagine would be extremely difficult to find out
  13. big drop in the reported numbers .................................why ? does anyone here believe one single thing this government says about anything
  14. I would like to know how many people are normally (pre covid) needing elevated care the question that remains unanswered in Thailand - how many people are in hospitals "with covid" but not because of covid, we have seen from other countries that as many as 70% or more of those reported in hospital are there for other reasons but also tested positive for omicron - not a big shock considering how it spreads the numbers in Thaiand just don't make any sense and lack detail - no surprise
  15. I was in a Thai restaurant recently in Pattaya with over 1500 in attendance accompanied with live music and a DJ, several other venues close by in full swing with equally huge numbers, this goes on nightly
  16. the whole thing needs a massive overhaul, time to modernize and bring it into line with how other countries run their lottery - ticket machines and pick your own numbers
  17. not correct, it was the other ## you posted along with it that nobody agreed with, you went on my ignore list for a while until you sorted yourself out
  18. Anutin in "I'll do what I say election pledge" you really have no idea how much the Thai people want you and your mates gone
  19. do they not realize that this 11pm restriction serves absolutely nothing, all it does is inconvenience people who simply go out hours earlier, would it not be sensible to relax these opening hours and allowing some flexibility - ask any one of these ### why they need this 11pm closure and you see a blank confused face - anwser - because we can we don't need a sensible reason ................... and there is exactly the problem
  20. restrictions restrictions restrictions Power and control is all they know - but how do the people get shot of them
  21. Why can’t the Thai government reduce the prices at the pumps? they could if certain people stopped stuffing billions into the pockets
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