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Everything posted by smedly

  1. This type is even worse becuse there is no way to hold them to account they make the rules
  2. after this OP statement the baht is about to be heavily manipulated up, won't last long then it will drop like a lead balloon - don't take my word for it - JMO reading between the lines
  3. as a primary exporter which also includes tourism even though tourism happens in Thailand it is still an export because it involves foreign currency paying for goods The hiso's the rich the theives want a strong baht because they invest and launder money abroad which is not good for Thailand which relies on export and tourism, there is a sniff of very serious domestic issues going forward, perhaps extreme social unrest and violence, the OP to me seems like a last ditch attempt to boost the baht before the doo doo hits the fan, this country IMO has been on the boil for a long time, it won't take much to set it off, there is anger which has been building for months - maybe Prayuth will write and sing a new ballad for the poor people who could never ever understand all those 000,000,000,000,00 if he actually had to show his bank balance and how it has grown since he was in office - Roman Abramovich would be proud........and the rest
  4. I don't usually watch any Thai news channels but they have 2 choices, either send a news team to the Ukraine to report directly or remain silent
  5. well there is no confusion in that photo - Anutin in his back garden which is 1000 rai lol lets legalise the weed so I can own the market, that is not going to work if people are growing their own in a (pot) but I guess there is always the export market where Mr Anutin will very quickly become a person of interest in the drug export market around the world - oh but wait it is legal in Thailand we made it so - I have news for you Mr Anutin - you will be arrested in the west and your assets will be siezed - keep on dreaming Mr Anubung
  6. and they are enforcing this how exactly I await for the answer in 2 days because that is the only day it could possibly make (non)sense, it was just a big April fools joke will someone please replace this government with a class of 9 year old's who would actually make more sence - it really is very depressing that these people are actully trying to run a whole country, although the do have expertise at diverting huge sums of money into their pockets, no audits - no fiscal transparency, hell they don't even have to declare how much money they have ###### these last 5 years because they wrote the rules - how shameful, theives in plain sight grrrrrrrrrrr
  7. do you need to be vaccinated for the flu to enter
  8. do what exactly, sounds to me like restrictions remain
  9. This department has a fairly easy job - they don't even need to leave the office, just order some supposed branded items from any of the online shopping sites here that are listed unusually cheap
  10. he will be arrested soon ......................... too may parking tickets
  11. well it's not hard to figure out that someone made money out of this - just like vaccines - subs - F35's and pretty much every budget that gets through the books ------------oh what books
  12. you got it how many billions do you think goes into pockets The world is focused right now on the Russian billionaires that have basically enriched themselves - you think Thailand is any different, in the west they should all be treated the same ............................where did you get your money from
  13. well that is a red flag right there as usual the real indications read very differntly, lets lead with household dept and go from there then there is a missing 25% (at least) of lost tourism GDP for almost two and half years. Then slap Covid on top of that - maybe this guy is talking about his own fiscal stability and that of his mates in government who seem to be doing very well indeed - the multiple Billionarse running the show who can't get money into their pockets fast enough ............................ lets have another emergency budget that seems to dissapear down some black hole and nobody to hold them to account or doing the accounts
  14. what she needs is to be honest and take care the Thai people - very simple, she can talk to me and I will show her how she could be the greatest PM Thailand has ever had, employ me as a special advisor and I will steer her to Victory ????
  15. they don't care, the lot are filling their pockets I what really bothers me is that suddenly Russian thieves have become the focus of attention and their extreme wealth, they ### stole it from the people, there are many in Thailand that need to explain their extreme wealth especially over the last 6 years - we have billionaire cops - army chiefs, MP's etc etc.......were did it come from ?, where is it coming from right now ? Us, Go to the UK and try and buy a house with cash - you will be arrested go to the UK and try opening a bank acc steal from the Thai people for years and go buy a property in Kensington, not a question asked.......................excuse me, where did this $300m come from - I am/was a general in the Thai military - it was my salary.....I saved hard for 1000 years are you stupid why you ask me that.......................?
  16. there is a certain feel good factor when you let them know you know what they are doing - it may not make much of a difference, one thing I have noticed though is that more and more Thai people are also becoming aware, I get the feeling something is going to explode in this country like never before
  17. I think it is safe to say that omicron is mild if vaccinated with an "effective" vaccine (and I choose my words carefully) yes there are a few people who seems to be affected worse than others but in the grand scheme of things omicron has been a game changer. What is happening in Thailand is very difficult to understand likely because they keep certain critical factors to themselves in order to cover up this governments poor choices and keep people in the dark. Some of their choices would lead you to think they would rather this not end at all - I see two reasons for that - certain key people are making huge money from covid in Thailand and the other is power and control
  18. 3 people I know (last 3 weeks) who were all over 60 and tested ATK positive had very mild cold like symptoms that lasted no more than a few days, 2 other similar people ATK negative had a similar experience, 1 person who tested ATK negative the tested again 2 days later ATK Positive - same, a farang and his Thai GF the latter cosistantly tested ATK negative had symptoms, the farang who had no symptoms consistently tested positive - both rightly assumed they had omicron. all of the above people had very mild symptoms or none at all, what is going on with you and GF is very strange indeed, I would tend to agree that it does not sound like omicron, I wonder is there a flu knocking around and you have infected each other with both - not impossible
  19. This has nothing to do with Covid, and I have news for you Prauth - the Thai people are not so easily fooled either, anyone I have spoken too know exactly what you are doing and why Covid is over around the world but for some reason not in Thailand
  20. there goes another budget, whos pocket is that one ending up in all these rules in the west concentrating on Russian theives - what about the rest There are many countries in the world were those in charge are enriching themselves - it is not just Russians
  21. oh what a pity the demand for flowers should be going up but I guess you cannot give flowers for whole families buried under a pile of rubble Hey Thailand - maybe the demand will go up soon - you can deliver them in your subs
  22. hard to figure out - but was there foul play - who knows people just don't fall of small boats without someone noticing - was she raped and dumped, who owns the boat and who was with her would likely reveal all she was missing for days and nobody knew anything - well that right there is a red flag
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