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Everything posted by smedly

  1. All hail the mighty and powerful Anutin who going forward will be judged by his numerous cataclysmic failures I hope the Thai people have the resolve to rid Thailand of these self appointed ### once and for all - they cannot be removed with the ballot box so they will have to find another way.
  2. got the nod means they were told they could open on the QT .............................. unofficially The official line is they are not allowed to open, I hope that clears it up for you
  3. what official announcement? I know many bars that have been given the all clear - they have been closed up to yesterday and they are not "pretend" restaurants, they are now open, I also know a couple of the owners
  4. we can all pull data and quotes right now from various sources in SA and they are all conflicting - mass media is conflicting - the head of SA health authority has said quite a lot on the subject - might be better to follow that
  5. the problem right now is overcrowding since there simply aren't enough venues open to support the growing numbers - something needs to change and soon
  6. because they are clueless - they make things so complicated that they are unenforceable, stupid nonsense
  7. looks like a heavily modified saloon I wonder what speed this idiot was doing
  8. we have enough broke youtubers/bloggers sticking cameras where they are not wanted
  9. you mean you actually understood what they were talking about this is just a pile of lip service to justify a budget they are going to let on they spent on Pattaya
  10. what a pile of idiotic nonsense - call your bar a restaurant then your bar can sell alcohol - ridiculous
  11. oh dear It will come, there is no way to stop it, enough of this stupid delusional nonsense - we have to just hope that early signs are correct and it is milder because if it is not we are shafted
  12. read my above post - consider yourself ignored, I do have another name for it
  13. you are getting close to being ignored, something I rarely do but there comes a time when annoyance outstrips valuable input and conversation
  14. nothing to do with omicron - they were never coming, 130k in Nov speaks for itself and likely most of those were not tourists, trying to save face only works if people believe
  15. a rough guess - the 3 couples hired out 3 of those 2 seat plastic canoes and off they went, they are available from a popular beach at the navy base
  16. I wonder how long the people are going to tolerate this, my guess is it is wearing very thin
  17. omicron will come to Thailand there is so stopping it how that plays out in Thailand and across the world is unclear but early data suggests that although it spreads fast it could be milder which is a very good sign............................we wait
  18. you really don't want to let this go do you - people have clearly stated that early data indicates ........................ that is what we have to go on right now, constantly reminding us of that doesn't further the conversation
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