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Everything posted by smedly

  1. identical, I put exactly the same info into the app, pass No, DOB, nationality, and it returns - no record found my last online report shows my new extension date 2022 - that is what is very strange I even filled out the app again today as if I was doing a 90 day report even though I already did it a few days ago in the office and it just says something about overstay not allowed If my last online report (Aug) shows my 2022 new 12 month extension date then the question remains - why was I not able to do an online report over the last 10 days or so, it can't be anything to do with my new extension as my last report clearly shows that new date The whole thing is a mess It could be that the app isn't working because of some permissions - the app not working is only a distraction to the real issue I have now uninstalled it anyway - the main point here is why can I not do online reporting from the web based portal if it already registered my new extension date
  2. as I explained that is not the same experience for me - the app clearly shows - no record found I don't know what else to tell you
  3. android and no it doesn't block anything - it is clear that my records are not in the database that the app uses but my details are in the datatbase that the website uses - simple enquiry on both shows my full 90 days approvals on the website and no record found using the app - whatever database the app uses I do not exist
  4. no it doesn't show that when I log in - but my above post is even more confusing If I search the app for my last 90 day report approval using my passport etc it comes up as no record found If I use the PC web URL it shows all my last 6 reports, so that would lead me to believe that they are now using the same system as the app but my records are not in there yet, they have not migrated across - maybe if I had used the app for my 90 day report in August it would have my record, who knows but either way it is a very poor implementation if they have indeed changed systems
  5. here is the wierd thing, I always apply for my extension early so it was approved 3 weeks before it was due - new one dated on the date of when it was due as normal 2022........................ I just checked my last approved online report which was done before my old extention expired and the approval page is showing on the last line .....................Stay Permitted Date as - 2022 my new extension date, so at that time the online system was using my new extension date in 2022 - try and figure that one out I am even more confused
  6. I did actually try the app for the first time ever but it just said something about overstay - I didn't really pay much attention to it as it failed just like the computer application - didn't notice any dates though, I will have to wait 90 days now to try again
  7. pretty similar to me but my 90 day report was due weeks after (Nov) my new extension date - my last online report was still based on my old extension date and worked fine, I use the Jomtien office
  8. no idea but I suspect you are probably right I have been reluctant to mention treetown directly and only hinted in the past but now I am sick to the back teeth of what is going on especially since the place has no room and is now packed every night, all it will take is a couple of hundred new arrivals in Pattaya and this just becomes ridiclulous, there is literally no where else for people to go at night in Pattaya for a beer without the risk of being raided, if this is the governments idea of creating safe covid environments then treetown is one massive failure - it is overcrowded - the tables are dirty - no social distancing - no covid checks - no masks ..............nothing - in the grand scheme of things it is quite shocking what is going on there is allowed which is why I keep saying something needs to change and fast to release the pressure, I am not suggesting it be raided or closed I am suggesting that other venues need to open to relieve the pressure, it cannot go on like this
  9. do a bit of digging and you will find bars are open in cities up north - this alcohol ban is targetting only a few cities that generally host foreign tourists
  10. One can only laugh at this what was the predicted number for Nov - I recall it was over 1m, official number is 50k so far and likely many of those are not actually tourists delusional nonsense
  11. 300/400 it is still a lot of businesses considering that many have shut for good - all restaurants of course, if I was an owner I would be extremely angry as to how treetoen is getting away with it.
  12. a bar across from treetown (20m away) tried that last week and got raided - if the police had looked over their shoulder they would have seen hundreds of people all drinking jam packed into that small area - they just ignored it, it is now so packed that they are putting tables on the walkway to the toilets, there is also a shop openly selling beer beside the toilets all ignored by the police - I kid you not, someone is paying the cops big money for them to ignore this
  13. If you have renewed your 12 month extension between reports it seems it will no longer work, I last reported online in August and renewed my extension since then - I tried online reporting these past 2 weeks and it will not work, when I tried it using the android app it reported that I was on 3xx days overstay so the 90 day report system is not seeing my last extension or my last extension was not entered into the system, either way it is not working - I get the feeling that Immigration are happy with this outcome as I asked the IO why I could not do it online and he just grinned - my interpretation of that was that they don't like any part of their job being automated and will throw a spanner in the works at every opportunity.
  14. They have to do something and fast, can't keep cramming hundreds of people into treetown every night which is filled to capacity every night, it really is ridiculous
  15. competition - anyone spot one table with food on it from the photos of all these so called restaurants ?
  16. you too, look forward to the trip report
  17. yes a byte is 8 bits - is that all that makes up IP traffic
  18. I haven't had a DVD player for more than 10 years
  19. as long as you are happy
  20. you are using the torrent infrastructure to stream which is just the same as downloading except you don't save the file - you view it - I made a comparison to actual streaming as that is also included in this discussion, the point is that the two methods are vastly different you viewing a torrent is not vastly different to downloading it
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