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Everything posted by smedly

  1. are you having a laugh - walk the streets looking for something that is open is more like it, go 200m in any direction from Treetown and you enter a deserted shuttered void of darkness and closure, if 1000 foreign tourists arrived next week where exactly are they going to go, treetown is rammed every night at max capacity and you can throw out any rules that are supposed to be in place - it is a complete cluster
  2. make it public - open and honest for everyone to observe stop hiding behind closed doors - we have what is called "public prosecution" in the west because these criminals commit crimes against the public ......................make them open to the public is it in the public interest to see these scum behind bars ...................... 100%
  3. how many actually arrived from outside Thailand I was thinking of a trip to samui from pattaya, what exactky are the rules ?
  4. how can Pattaya be open and closed at the same time apart from a tiny area around treetown the rest of the city is shuttered closed and in darkness - what is this guy smokin
  5. I think most people have now realised that TAT is a fake prediction propaganda machine proven over and over, they would be better saying nothing Can anyone quote one thing they have announced that was close to accurate or even 20% accurate
  6. you just generally described how Chinese tour groups operate - except they pay up front for most of it
  7. pretty much, anyone that comes to Thailand right now needs their head looked at these government buffoons don't deserve foreign tourists but of course they are not concerned as they quiet get richer - multiple massive emergency budgets that seem to have evaporated into thin air
  8. you are confused, go do some research before posting misleading information, vaccines do help considerably at preventing covid 19 disease and spreading of the virus
  9. lets not forget why Thailand is far behind other countries This government severely messed up their vaccine procurement and are 100% to blame for the mess Thailand is in right now
  10. You are confused Those countries actually opened including the UK, do you think the current surge in the UK is due to foreign tourists - it would be rather foolish to think that. Thailand is claiming that opening up the country to foreign tourists is going to cause a surge - that message is wholey incorrect and foolhardy, myself and many others on here have been saying for weeks - Thailand should fully open up internally before opening the floodgates to foreign tourists - they are incorrectly doing things in reverse, how can you open externally when you are shut internally, it is stupidity beyond belief
  11. They suddenly realised that working is................................. Hard work Thaifriendly is much easier bt1000hr
  12. this government do this over and over - using a rigged nonsense poll in an effort to fool people into thinking they have public support
  13. unvaccinated Thais can and do move freely within the country and are being encouraged to do so with various government schemes but it will be the fully tested fully vaccinated foreigners blamed for any covid spread - you couldn't make this ## up The dirty farangs are spreading covid in Thailand
  14. There we go - as predicted any covid surge over the coming weeks will be blamed on foreign tourists - idiots
  15. It has been repeated on here for weeks that very few foreign tourists are willing to put up with their nonsense requirements that seem to be designed to gouge money before anyone sets foot in Thailand never mind when when they arrive. Think again Prayuth Take a long hard look at "Green" requirements in the UK and you might get some idea of how it should be done Oh and Thailand is not open - popular tourist destinations like Pattaya are 90% shut and shuttered with no sign of that changing any time soon.
  16. define packed - 90% of pattaya is shut down shuttered and in darkness
  17. Treetown is packed every night with hundreds of people, if want to know how effective the rules are take a look, start with social distancing and work from there, add a couple of thousand arrivals to Pattaya over the next couple of weeks - where exactly are they going to go ? They need to lift the ban on restaurants at least to relieve the pressure and very obvious overcrowding
  18. personally I think about my freedom and to be able to make my own choices, these lockdowns curfews and restrictions have taken that away for almost 2 years now, we cannot go on living like this, we are not in N Korea and it would not be a place I would choose to live enough is enough
  19. do you know how covid is detected
  20. lets suppose 5000 new foreign tourists arrive in Pattaya next 2 weeks, where are they going to go at night, a certain place (no name mentioned) is already rammed to the brim with at least 300 people every night simply does not have room for any more, everyone knows where I am talking about, this alcohol ban is counter productive - it is forcing large numbers of people into small areas were controls are impossible - add another few thousand people and we really have a problem they need to either ## or get off the pot, either open up or shut it all down - this grey status isn't going to work - it needs urgent action now
  21. I wouldn't be so sure - it would be interesting to see who is buying up all the abandoned bars, I suspect many will have changed ownership on the cheap which IMO opinion will be the ruin of the place as prices are hiked up by new owners
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