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Everything posted by smedly

  1. seems clear that the puritans running this country are absolutely determined in their effort to not only destroy the entertainment/pub industry but also take tourism down with it They really have no clue as to the damage they are causing it is quite frankly incredible stupidity
  2. they were so impressed with sandbox and Thailand they decided to stay for a further 2 week holiday .................................................not lol I can imagine the conversation as they were boarding their flight Thank flip to be getting out of that cluster
  3. after being on my ignore list and since removed again (the first) - I think I have now liked 3 of your posts ????
  4. too funny - I assume they were going to do the test and get you the results back in 10mins lol Shark tooth ring
  5. and the first thing you need to do upon arrival is ...........................quarantine and that is after a whole pile of ## before you arrive and when you arrive and are not locked up you have a whole other pile of holiday things you cannot do how wonderful It's like a shop saying welcome to our shop - prepay first - our empty shelves are the best in the world honest .............store detectives might detain you for being in the building and looking confused
  6. I have lived in Thailand for over 2 years and never had a covid test - I am fully vaccinated, so how am I different to someone arriving here in Thailand fully vaccinated and being forced to take a test - once out of the airport these tourists are same status as me and all effectively vaccinated Thais who are not being force Tested - Thailand is not big on testing until it comes to fully vaccinated foreign tourists - it makes no sense
  7. I do actually - have had for years and just recently bought a new one at 40k baht, I know a few people that don't have or want them I am very particular about what I use it for and what apps I have on it - No Facebook or TVF App for example and rarely enable a data connection Wifi only, my choice, landing at an airport in Thailand and someone telling me I must install and app won't happen - as far as they are concerned I don't have a smart phone
  8. he was obviously doing a bit more than painting hell hath no greater fury than a woman scorned
  9. W T #, I know exactly what I would do to this evil ##, hopefully the relatives will sort it RIP little one
  10. sounds to me like this operation is more likely to contaminate and spread CV 19 than prevent it also be interesting to know if this miracle cure is free or just another scam - I think I know the answer
  11. have to laugh at the optimism - Phuket has been so called open for weeks and is reduced to a trickle of tourists - what makes Hua Hin think it is going to be any different - I think they are going to be seriously disappointed
  12. correct, they are making something very complicated that doesn't need to be, plus what exactly is open ? and talk of vans driving around in Bangkok randomly testing foreigners
  13. Hotel booking - how many nights Download and install a specified app - don't have a smart phone don't want one Have negative test results before travelling domestically without quarantine. - so you are quarantined until you test negative even though you just did a couple of days before Those dirty foreigners putting the Thai people in danger - stay away dirty farang Prayuth and Anutin are talking good care - best vaccines - hundreds of billions of baht in budgets that nobody knows where it went, they are our hero's everybody love and want them to stay in power for ever
  14. This one got exposed and those involved caught and charged If the Lawyer had not posted the video online nobody would be aware of any of this Big question now is - how many others ?????, deaths - unusual wealth - people just disappearing from custody - missing, how rotten is it from top to bottom
  15. they are going to be dissapointed I think
  16. it takes many forms, you cannot just generalise it There are insiders involved in this particular case simply because a member here who is a victim of this theft has never used his Thai bank issued Debit card not even at an ATM so his card details had to come from a system that holds the data at source - either the bank or the CC company in Thailand
  17. Thailand approves $1.64 billion more support measures - Thailand News - ASEAN NOW - News, Travel & Forum This banking theft (and I do hope it is fully investigated and those in Thailand involved are caught and jailed) which hit the news these last few days pales to insignificant when compared to public finances which the people of Thailand own where is all the money going with all these emergency budgets that have been approved over the last 8 months - there is absolutely no financial accountability - hundreds of billions of baht where is it ???????????
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