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Posts posted by grandpops

  1. Google scientific surveys or polls.

    What I'm trying to say is if they make a poll for all colors to participate, Abhisit's points will be very low. It's like if I want to have a Pro-Thaksin poll, I won't go to PAD's zones to ask.

    Isn't it a normal practice that when announcing a poll result, they often tell number of people who participate?

    Few quick points.

    They obviously polled Abhisits supposed base but even then 60% of em voted Thaksin as honest as well!!!

    Abhisit can command a high rating as he isn't in charge. He is just the figurehead.

    Rabid falangs ganging up on you Koo is a sign of their intense indignation that their high intellects are still ignored by most. Fancy that, Intellegent falang posters not being heeded.... :)

    I liked Ferwerts idea of them singing from the same song sheet.

    So in four part harmony

    SRJ: ......Thaksin - - - -Is - - - a bad, bad, bad, - - - - - -Amen - Abhisit hallelujah hallelujah

    Jingting:.........Thaksin.. - - - ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhmen - Abhisittttttttttttttttttttttt

    Plus: ......................Thaksin - - - - naughty naughty man - -Amen - la l al al la la la la la la la

    Animatic:... Thaksin Thaksin thaksin naughty - naught - man - amen - oh yes he isssssssssssss

    ALL/ CHORUS Thank god for us falangs,

    . . . . . . . . .Who do know everything

    . . . . . . . . . .When you Thais all wake up

    . . . .. . . . . . .you will see we are right.

  2. Interesting that 5 million people will go out of their way to sign yet he has only 10,000 people following him on twitter.

    12, 480 at this moment, and counting.

    He started Twitter last week I think.

    I will provide this board a valuable service and keep it updated on this score.

    I know many of you, my fellow posters and friends, will appreciate that...........right?............???????

    Especially my best friends Animatic, Plus and good buddy Jingthing...et al.

    Sorry if I missed some of you. That is the risk of giving special recognition to some....Ya always miss some.

    WHAT, you forgot SRJ!! Think barbers shop quartet.

    Falls someway short of the millions supporting the petition and following on Twitter.

    But then, what do Thais know when compared to those most enlightened of folks, the TV barber shop quartet?

  3. What about all the VICTIMS from the sale of drugs? The poor kids hooked on drugs sold by greedy pushers? The fact that most heroin sold in Asia is grown by terrorists like the Taliban who use the proceeds in the name of God to buy more AK-47s to give out their own DEATH sentences. We seem to forget that many people suffer at the hands of smugglers and dealers. I say give him death and not feel sorry just because he is a dumbasssss fellow farang. Their are so many reasons that drug dealers should all be put to death. Drug cartels kill for any reason or for no reason just to show their power. The answer is to eliminate them. One way is to take out the criminality.

    I feel drugs should be legalized and then taxed. Let the morons pay us back for their bad habbits.

    That eliminates the dealers getting rich...terrorists getting cash and morons trying to smuggle.

    Theres the start of it. If somebody had given the "poor kids" the hiding of a lifetime first time they used it, they might have got off. All druggies are idiots who think it big to take drugs and treating them as victims isnt the answer. These idiots then go on to be the pushers as there is nothing whatsoever to stop them in the West. A nice social worker, free drugs from the lefty doctor, the lovely lawyer at 200 dollars per hour funded by the tax payer to help shift the blame. It's always somebody elses fault never these mindless "cool" kids.

    Let the poor Afgan farmers grow what shit they like, why fight the drugs war over there when they could stop its use with draconain measures. They would stop growing it this year if there wern't so many dead heads in westernised nations wanting to use it.

  4. Anupong deploys soldiers to explain to people about Thaksin-pardon petition

    Army Commander-in-Chief Gen Anupong Paochinda said he has ordered commander of all army units to have their subordinates explain the correct procedures for seeking a royal pardon to the people nationwide.

    But Anupong said he realised that it would not be easy to change the mind of the people.

    Anupong took the action after the red-shirt movement announced that it had gathered over 4 million signatures to petition His Majesty for a royal pardon for former prime minister Thaksin Shinawatra.

    Several groups said it was inappropriate to raise the signatures for Thaksin-pardon petition as it could be seen as an attempt to involve His Majesty in politics.


    -- The Nation 2009/08/01

    So as in all free coutries of the world, the Army again moves on its on volition to defend itself and its interests against the nefarious forces of democracy, free speach and self determination.

    Nice of them to chirp up and demonstrate clearly for all to see, that they are controlling the puppets in Government. Those that want to see! There are plenty on here viewing this through rose-tinted glasses worn over a blindfold, with blinkers on for good measure.

  5. Thaksin needs enlightenment: Abhisit

    Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva said Sunday that former premier Thaksin Shinawatra needed to be enlightened to be happy.

    During his weekly TV programme, the host asked him to comment on the big celebrations of Thaksin's birthday in several provinces.

    "He may like other people who would like to be happy. If I can send message to him directly, I would like to say 'if you are enlightened and understand dharma, you will be much happier,'" the prime minister said.


    -- The Nation 2009/07/26

    And when Abhisit is enlightened and understands Pinnochio and free and fair elections we will all be much happier.

  6. There is nothing in the report to suggest he does plan a black magic ceremony nor does the report back up the claims.

    There is also a red shirt leader (an organiser perhaps) claiming it will not take place.

    i see it as a sensationalist newpaper headline that will sell papers.

    it could also be argued the local western media is doing a fair bit of black magic themselves in the form of mind control/brainwashing over their mislead farang readers.

    perhpas the editors of these newpapers sacrifice chickens and chant daily to power the brainwashed farang to post their anti-thaksin nonsense here on thai visa .

    You can attempt to blame the press and everyone else, but Thaksin's long history of ceremonies on the bizarre fringes of Thai beliefs is well-established and well-documented.

    He believes deeply in it... perhaps you could give it a try.

    oh i don't doubt he has done some things like this in his past, but the report is not about his past at all. It would be irresponsible for a newpaper to make a claim that Thaksin will have a black magic ceremony done on his birthday and not be able to back it up this claim, particularly if the organiser out and out denies it.

    flaming comment erased and ignored

    Do you understand that his birthday is today and that these black magic ceremonies are occurring today in his honor? To me, that's the present.

    What you mention in regards to denial is from Chiang Mai. But he's got lovers from other areas, eg. the folks in Roi Et are having black magic ceremonies for him.

    Why do you now wish to distance Thaksin from his well-established beliefs in black magic?

    If he doesn't do it... why are you doing it for him?

    Wrong on all counts as ever. The comment was not a flame, it is not erased (I just read it) as you are not a mod. And you didn't ignore it as you obviously had a fit of pique and didn't print it in your reply.

    Anyway, to get on topic again, Thaksin really keeps you guys dancing with his big surprise. I suppose he must thank you for all the publicity you give him by constantly cutting and pasting his life story.

  7. Let the great minds of the PAD set the deadline for the start of the high season.

    Lets see if their masters will allow them free reign this time round to destroy the country whilst the army stand by guarding their AIPORT CLOSURES (this is undoubtedly the seed they are trying to sow) against action by the Police. Remember, many of the Army owned/controlled hotels, bars, restaurants and market pitches are loosing money as well. The first big losers during the PAD anarchy last year were the Army with "Asias biggesst cancelled Rock festival" being called off due to their buddies blocking airports. I seem to remember thousands of tickets having to be refunded. http://nationmultimedia.com/breakingnews/r...newsid=30089552 Gist of which is PAD muppets cause massive financial loss to Army masters! Som Nam Naaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa :)

    Yes PAD, we have had a year of your Army installed government and can see that levels of corruption and nepotism are much greater than under thaksin. We see the country sinking at greater levels than neighbours whilst Abhisit wild goose chases after Thaksin's shadow. Our tourism down 22% whilst Bali increase 8% which shows many of our Australian Visitors opting for the shorter haul to a more stable country.. Indobloodynesia of all places.

    On top of this, we have full on propaganda from the Government, bribing the population with tax payers money, giving handouts and free electric and water. At least Thaksin handed out his own money!

    What stands to happen is that Thaksin will get back in as this lot are so totally inept and were not popular enough to get elected even when they held all the ace cards. Next, the economy will improve as the recession ends but many Thais will attribute this to Thaksin! He will then be even more popular and you yellows only hope will be a proper coup on the lines of Burma.

    I hope Abhisit kept that house in Newcastle. Might come in handy next year and who knows, he might grow to love watching Newcastle United under perform year in year out for the rest of his life, as a sort of constant reminder of his Government days.

  8. You cannot both have and eat the cake.

    Thaksin/reds accept the rules on when they are on the winning side. As soon as they lose, they throw the book out.

    They want to scrap 2007 constitution, but not if there's a chance of winning snap elections.

    Seams to have escaped you again. TRT, Thaksin, and all its reincarnations didn't lose. Even after the gerrymandering and barrings and party disbandments (NOT Democrats (sic) or PAD) they managed to keep Abhisit in the minority.

    How long before the weak PM is perceived as too weak by his masters?

  9. So attending a rally deserves emprisonment.

    Blocking airports and overthrowing elected govts deserves a post in the Government.

    More grist to the mill and there is a much higher chance of Thaksin being PM again than there is of anybody from the yellow side ever garnering enough votes to get into power.

    Thanks for bringing this blatant example of army involvement in installing Abhisit as puppet.

  10. Nothing subtle at all,

    they got more money legally donated, and reported, by far than your favorite poster boys.

    Spin it all you like, but some larger percentage of Thais obviously like them.

    Maybe because, for a change, they see somebody actually doing something besides

    bring back Thaksin any way they can.

    Actually to compare countries PTP is much more GOP than the DEMs by far.

    Both currently on the ropes from not understanding the public mood in general.

    "........a larger percentage of Thai's obviously like them...." If that was true Animatic, Abhisit and his friends would be tripping over themselves getting to an election. By-elections are key indicators of the way political winds are blowing. The last two weren't even close. If you are correct and Abhisit was elected, that wouldn't be a problem for me. But he hasn't won one yet. It is the one-person-one-vote process that is important for me, and for Abhisit and friends, this is the big problem. It is my understanding that previous Democrat Party administrations were very unresponsive to the voter, who put them out-to-pasture. This lack of electoral success is not by accident. There is a reason, and therefore a very good reason we can't see Abhisit for dust when someone mentions an election.

    Like the Abhisit approval ratings of 70% last week :):D:D . If he truly believed he could get 40% there would be an election tomorrow. The Songkran events after the last putch and the Iranian post poll gatherings will make it even more difficult for them to cram him back into power (not that they actually managed to get him into power in the rigged elections) at next election.... should they ever have another free and fair one. Any popularity was shamelessly bought,(in the same vein they accuse Thaksin of) with free electricity and water, 2,000 baht a head and the proposed massive borrowing they are talking about.

    The jaded old PAD tag team seem to be loosing the plot these days. I notice the new venem when they attack you!

    At least SRJ is helping promote the new Thaksin magazine for him. Must be hedging his bets for when he comes back.

  11. The Malaysia story is just a PR/Propoganda move. It keeps Thaksin in the news. A few analystsa are now finally noticing this. It doesnt matter what actually happened there. It just gets into all media sources that he was there and that he was "welcomed". We await Malaysian confirmation of the security detail btw. It would not be the first time Thaisn story differed from his hosts.

    The story is that the story is reported not what happened. Without the local media spouting off all he would have would be the limited cioverage of DTV and his call ins which reach relatively few. Fiji, Malaysia, Dubai, Germany investement talk all just ways to stay in the limelight. Even if later the host comes out and says what he has said is BS or he is now banned it doesnt matter. It is just publicity and works far better than his idiotic revolution and I will lead it faux pas of Songkhran time.

    The current Government is the one putting up the propaganda by claiming to have him almost back under wraps and out of the media. On a weely basis SRJ is gleefully telling us of Thakins latest brush with arrest. Perhaps you should co-ordinate your pathalogical hatreds before you come on here and contradict each other.

    Fact is it is the Thai's who lost face as the Malaysians totally ignored their little junta man requests to arrest a legitimately elected PM.. And as for Interpol, they are probably besides them self with worry thinking about Thaksin stopping over in Europe and spending vast wedges of money. More worried even that civil unrest in a recession and fanatical suicide bombers, major organised crime rings etc. etc.

    You Junta lovers really think Interpol are pulling out all the stops to please the aging army generals of a third world country?

    Rest of Asia probably see writing on the wall for Democrats and are looking to make working relationships with Thailand once (I belive it will be one day) democracy is restored.

  12. Most of the rest of the world are not going to be directed by a Coup puppets fanciful posturing in front of his own adoring (brain and blue rince washed) supporters.

    Should any serious Nations be interested in these incredible requests, it would have happened by now.

    I would have thought that it shows that his movements to the the far flung nether corners of the Earth where, for example,

    The media has dubbed Fiji a "Bainimarama republic", a play on banana republic.

    would have further reflected the increasingly desperate nature of his search for a place that will agree to hide him from justice.

    As long as he continues to avoid "serious nations"... we don't know what they will do

    (besides those that have already officially barred his entry which negates the question in the first place).

    He's one hot square potato that "serious nations" have no interest in creating turmoil over. He's not worth it to them.

    His ever ramped up narcissism, "Malaysia loves me too mut"... reflects the muddied thinking of a desperate man.

    This is the problem with cut and paste mania. You never read have of what you paste up and certainly do not digest it and form an opinion.

    You obviously missed the bit about Europe, Middle East, China, Hong Kong and Malaysia when you were talking about far flung places.

    Oh look, you even mentioned "Malaysia loves me too mut" in the same post totally negating what you said in your first waffle. Or are you talking about Malaysia as a far flung place from London, or New York etc? Or did you really really mean Malaysia is a far flung part of the world from Thailand.....

    Map anyone!

    Read, digest, think, type, re-think, press submit key. I think your post shows the muddied cut and pasting of a muddled man! If I may be so bold as paraphrase your last line.

  13. I think this multitude of posts put up by SRJ regarding PAD's "wild goose chase of the day" shows the following:

    Most of the rest of the world are not going to be directed by a Coup puppets fanciful posturing in front of his own adoring (brain and blue rince washed) supporters.

    Should any serious Nations be interested in these incredible requests, it would have happened by now.

    Abhisit is a dog chasing a car. Should he ever catch him, he would not know what to do about it and will wish he had left well alone and stayed in his afternoon soap operas.

    Forget pardons etc. The way back for Thaksin is ONE MAN ONE VOTE! That will win it for Thaksin over Abhisit every time! But in this climate, free and democratic elections are as much a flight of fancy as Abhisit chewing a wheel off the Thaksin car(steamroller)!

  14. Big mistake for your credibility that you use TAN. What an absolute joke of a network.

    I just watched their commentators babbling on again tonight with their defense of the criminal foreign minister and his untouchable cohorts wrecking the country and calling in a coup last year. It junior school playground level of one sided debate with a couple of kreung jaiing inadequates sucking up to the weasle in charge. The North Korean TV reports are more credible and at least they look like professionals.

    That any serious commentator could imagine a 70% approval rating for a government that couldn't even get elected after the election was rigged in their favour says much more about the PAD apologist superior falangs on this forum than anything else.

    Enjoy your one sided elitist pap journalism whilst it lasts. They will be out on their ear when the time comes, or, more likely, they will change sides once they realise the writing is on the wall.

  15. The OP is about Thai accepting corruption. It's true. Ask the average Thai what harm comes from corruption, and they probably won't be able to come up with an answer, other than: "sometimes bad people get rich." They need to understand that corruption is like tooth decay, it weakens society on many levels.

    It makes things cost more. (rigged bids, etc).

    It enables poorly qualified people to rise in the ranks, while better qualified people are left behind

    It contributes to poorly built infrastructure

    It contributes to dangerous products

    It enables corrupt people to get rich (poster boy: Thaksin)

    It encourages lying and cheating

    It exacerbates depression - in the people who are unfairly penalized or impoverished.

    ....the list could go on much longer.

    Schools need to show kids that getting more money by corrupt means is wrong and those who use devious means for self-enrichment will get caught and punished severely. Unfortunately, the messages being shown today (in Thailand) are the opposite. Cheats and liars like Thaksin become fabulously rich, and therefore are honored and emulated by those who worship wealth.

    And here is where it begins.

    Flunk that first pre-school test and theres teacher offering an upgrade for a few hundred baht or a kiss from mum!

    Should teacher decide to uphold failure to meet grade, school upgrade so as school does not appear to be failing.

    Kids have now learned that they do not need to try, attend classes, be puctual, do homework etc. as their final grades are already in the bag.... its just the price that needs finalising! In later school and Uni, a quick flash of flesh can assure grades! And now what have you taught them?

    BUT at the end of the day, it's their mess and they seem as happy living in it as we do to live here in it with them. Strange world, but its only us expats who lose sleep worrying about it.

  16. Tourism's gutted everywhere on the planet. A cheap baht isn't going to solve that. Bloke's coming for luscious female flesh will arrive anyhow. A cheap baht means expensive oil. Economy's tanking as it is. More expensive oil will do them in pronto. White skinned Thais with most of the country's bread have time to get the high baht out of the country and converted. After that it all can go to hel_l as far as they are concerned. The economy goes down and they'll still be on top of the heap.....so what's the problem.

    Doubly so on top of the pile.

    When the baht tanks, (which will be when the rich at the top of the pile make back what they lost last year by financing PAD and taking a hit on their businesses) they will bring the money back in and make up another 20 - 30 percent.

    Enough to finance another coup should the plebs vote red again!

    Theres only the coup backing elite can prop the baht up. Blame the poor for voting for Thaksin or whatever and maybe a bit of damage in April, but its this rich mob that will kill off the country again in the interests of self (elite) preservation.

  17. Grandpops,

    it seems based on your argument here.. you agree with PAD.

    Now ain't THAT a hoot.!! LOL


    Speaking of which lol, this Government has certainly, on top of all its other shenanigans lol, given us plenty of laughs.

    If you lol read my older posts you would find that I would prefer a Democrat Government or PAD IF, please again

    IF They were ELECTED.

    Remember the saying, he who laughs last, has a sister called Yingluck Shinawatra!! lol PMSL ISFC

  18. PAD has the point, rhetoric or not - under current political system it's impossible to have govt working for the benefit of people.

    Even Democrats can't avoid making shady deals with the likes of Newin, and it's not like Newin doesn't have a legitimate reason, too - he needs to wrestle Isan from Thaksin in the next elections, and so he needs serious funds.

    Democrats are less reliant on govt budget to finance their campaign, thanks to all the years in opposition, but the fact still stays - politicians need to steal to stay in politics, or need to borrow and then repay favours.

    The whole system, including elections, is all set from the start to breed corruption, and at the moment only the PAD who try to raise public awareness of that.

    Cleared that up didn't we!

    Fine when the corruption and shady deals and self interested is coming from the Democrat side.


    Greatest achievement is undoutedly keeping the Army, EC and Courts on side and prolonging his stint in power.

  19. They seem to be odd bedfellows among the reds - Marxists, Thaksin cargo-cultists, believers in patronage and money politics, disaffected rural types, anti-***********s. I often wonder what really keeps them together, especially during the planting season when people are less attracted by a couple of days' sponsored outing to the city.

    you forget the people that are against coups and by the military supported governments.

    He was also insulting to probably the hardest workers in the Kingdom with his snide remark about planting seasons. What keeps them together is endless coups and oustings of the parties they vote for, and this goes back long before Thaksins time.

    The PAD apologists on here seem to think that involvement in politics is the preserve of the middle classes and that farmers should know their place and leave their intellectual superiors to make the decisions for them.

    Quite acceptable that a minority middle class movement (PAD) should ruin the high season and cause major losses in the airfreight business. Not acceptable at all that anybody from the majority (poor) of the country should show their faces in elite areas!

  20. It also looks like nobody has the ability to deliver a knock out blow and so this will become a long drawn out war of attrition with bad ramifications for the country or a deal of some kind must be cobbled together. That obviosuly everyone doesnt want to be on the losing side is maybe a positive as deal ensure their are no losers.

    It is all going to make for interesting times and no doubt it will go wrong.

    It always has a way to solve.

    Can and can not is always under the table

    TRT, Thaksin, PTP whatever is the name of the day after Army interference are more than capable of delivering a knock out blow at the ballot box. The incredible amount of interference in the elction after the coup, the state of emergency remaining in parts of the north so they could block canvassing radio and tv stations, the banning of parties and politicians, AND, AND AND what is most interesting about this, The Democrats still couldn't win the election!!! The Army had to put PAD in to bat to remove two prime ministers, one for cooking on TV which I still find incredible, and seek the assistance of the most odious politician in the country.

    They will undoutedly unseat this lot and it just remains to be seen how much influence the enemies of democracy and their supporters feel they can get away with this time. Will they try again to influence the election? Will they ban partys from standing? or will they just ban elections? There is no democracy at the moment so its only a small step to outright dictatorship.

    Even they must be tiring of their puppets embarrasingly poor performance by now and considering a shift to the red camp. At some stage soon, they are going to have to make a deal with Thaksin as if they leave it too late, they run the risk of him coming back and outsting them once and for all! This appears more likely than Abhisit getting elected and the Thai politicians obvisouly sense something is in the air.

    Much as they have tried to ouster Thaksin, they would rather their snouts remain in the trough with him in power than have him remove their concessions.

    If it becomes clear they (PTP) are gaining the upper hand, support will snowball as it does here. PAD are only going to gain votes of wooly middle class who are in a real minority. As much as anything, many of this middle class elite (who are actually nearer in terms of wealth to the poorest farmers than they are to any of the real elite) have become unemployed and are thus not even middle class anymore.

    PS middle class in Thailand is well below unemployment benefit rates in the uk! So they are not that middle class. You could expect a minimum of 16k baht per month, plus all rent paid and travel expenses for getting around town. Thats just a single persons amount. Once you have children you are looking at many thousands more. Many many thousands more so give it a rest with this supposed intellegentsia.

  21. Keeping the numbers in perspective... it was only just last January when Puea Thai Party was defeated in 14 out of 19 by-elections...

    Puea Thai Party Leader Yongyut Vichaidit

    Puea Thai Party to single out new Leader this week

    Puea Thai Party Leader cited the Party’s not being prepared and its core leaders banned from politics as main causes for the Party's winning only five seats in the MPs' by-election on Sunday (January 11), adding he was prepared to step down for the Party's new Leader to be Opposition Leader in the House of Representatives.

    Puea Thai Party Leader Yongyut Vichaidit today attributed his Party's winning a mere five MPs from Sunday's by-election, from a total 19 politicians fielded to contest the election, which was short of its target

    btw, the Puea Thai Party has still not selected a new Party Leader nor Opposition Leader :)

    It's so your precious courts cannot ban him!! They really are running rings round the Abhisits backers arn't they.

    Technically they are not the Opposition as they won more votes and were gerrymandered out.

    Thaksin is becoming a big asset again now as Thais are getting the chance to compare life under Abhisit and army meddling to what life was like when Thaksin was taking the country foward.

    Corruption now much worse than anything you blinkered zealots could accuse Thaksin of.

  22. C'mon now...the Reds have won 2 games in a row. Is this a streak or what???

    They have actually won every election for 9 years now despite all the meddling, coups, banning, rule changes, PAD antics, TV stations banned, cooking PM's banned one sided court rulings etc.

    This is the problem. They have enough voters who have repeatedly cast their votes for other that Abhisit.

    Some on here just don't get it and never will, but the fact remains, this Government is only where it is now as a direct result of a Coup and continued meddling and conniving by the haters of democracy.

    Lovely as an educated middle class backed Government may sound to some falangs, the truth about Thailand is that poor church mice from the rest of the world would send financial aid to the majority of Thais in the Country, if they could write on the envelopes.

    Ironically for the elites, it is exactly because they have robbed, oppressed under educated and deprived of health care (Until Thaksin stepped in that is) the poor, that there is not enough middle class people around to win an election!

  23. Business as usual on the side of the forces against democracy.

    The puppet PM looking bewildered (when he can be found) whilst all the powers installed by the coup rush to ensure his opponents are banned, sidelined etc.

    Courts declare Thaksin meddling whilst not declaring that Newin was running a militia around pattaya. Courts declaring Newin banned from politics when it suited them but not banned enough for him to head (and lets be sure about this, he has more clout than Abhisit) a coalition in a murky snatch of power from the voters.

    The muppets and puppets running this country can only get away with so many of these blatant violations and abuses of rules (can't call them laws) put in place by the coup. Twice this week the EC are meddling with peoples votes.

    Even in a country with a proper scary army and police force (Iran), people will come out and protest when things get bad enough.

  24. Of course many Thais would accept a corrupt government do they have any choice? :)

    Its the same with falangs. almost 100% of business and investors in the west would accept their stockbroker using corruption and insider knowledge if it improved their wealth or as in the latest year if it had prevented them from loosing their money.

    Same same but the Thais are more honest about it. We have a choice but choose corruption, here and back home. Sorry but ask round how many bar owners and expats here pay tea money. It's all the saem

    Everybody knew Thaksin was corrupt but he improved the lot of the poor more than anybody before or since. Thats where he will always score well because Thai's know that he lines their pockets and not just his own.

  25. Bit of research.

    Anybody oblige with some math! 200 reading now x 85 is a lot of people. Just for starters.

    Now let's imagine you messed up. Here's what's going to happen to you, according to TARP:

    • A disgruntled customer will share their bad experience with the average of 12 other people;
    • Each of those 12 people will in turn mention it to 6 others

    Let's do the math: We are talking about (1 person who has had bad experience) + (12 people that person has talked to) + (12 groups * 6 people they have contacted) = 85 people will no longer think very highly of your business or service just because of a little mess-up!


    Regarding the apologists for the Embassy. It's about time they did make some Diplomatic Incidents out of these issues.

    The prevailing feeling in Thailand is that is just a bunch of bad men oppressing poor thai women and the level of protection is accordingly down graded. If someone were to say Kate Dullard was crap at her job because she is a woman and should be replaced by a man it would be howled down and posts removed etc. Yet they are allowed to look down their noses at us plebs.

    Its a sexist prevailing culture that would not be allowed in the other direction or against other religions or races.

    It's a shoddy service at the British Embassy and it has not improved since the scandalous non existant level or service during the Tsunami.

    EDIT. If a company with the connections of KP did not want police running scams on their premises this could not happen.

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