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Posts posted by grandpops

  1. Read the news! The red shirts STILL refuse to negotiate! All of this blood is on the hands of the red shirt leaders. Now they have another chance to stop this by following the LAW and talking. Yet they refuse.

    Whats to negotiate? The balance of power seams to have taken a seismic shift this past week. Army commader saying troops tired and he is not sure how much longer they can stand this. Anupong saying they are all Thais (troops - and reds). Abhisit balling army out is not winning him any friends either.

    Why negotiate with an illegal and murderous regime? Just tell em to leave the country (which they have told Abhisit) and thatas much as they deserve.

    Reds were saying last night that even if the Army prevails (they didn't), it was only a battle in any event and the war would continue. If hospitalizing 800 of them didn't work, just what are you proposing next?

  2. Another report (can't get it to paste today for some reason)

    Says troups agreed to withdraw last night and "sued for truce" and the UDD refused to negotiate at first.

    They really must have had the upper hand at this stage for the army to be the one wanting the truce.

    The lady next door is singing..... and belive me, she is a big girl!

    Nearly over for Abhisit?

  3. Watching news this morning it seemed the army managed to teargas itself again?

    Sad thing for Abhisit is that he did appear to have the qualities to be PM. Just not at this stage.

    Had he backed down and bowed out earlier, he would undoutedly have bounced back in later years and had a chance to legally occupy the office.

    If the Army and Police injured 700 plus protesters and then had to give ground to them (which they did) there is much stronger support for the reds that reported in the Yellow media.

  4. The group at the same time are waiting for 3,000 more Red Shirt protesters to join their forces from Klong 4 and Phan Fa. Together the protesters plan to force their entrance into the ThaiCom compound if negotiations fail.

    F(&*$%%# UNBELIEVABLE.

    The red supporters here talk about the "innocent red protestors" and try and put the blame on the Abhisit and the army.

    Then the leaders talk about FORCING their way into a government installation.

    Can a red shirt supporter explain the logic in this?

    You are unbelievable mate.

    Turn the signal on.. It's easy. OR, turn off ASTV and get the army out of chanal 2 5 7 11 etc.

    Oppresive regimes the world over block signals etc.

    It's also worth noting that the reds have the balls in this set to.

  5. You must be living in a different country to me. On all accounts it was the Reds that attacked the Military. There would have been many more deaths if the military had not become involved. The Reds have been given so many warnings and also offered a compromise, but they ignored everything and refused in more peaceful talks. How you can defend people that parade dead bodies on stage to gain Kudos is beyond me. Maybe a little soul searching is in order.

    I stress that when I mention the Reds I mean the leaders. The rest are paid mercenaries and know not what they are doing.


    The bbc reports are very clear in stating the trouble started AFTER the army fired tear gas.

    Yes but thats just some grubby little outfit not suited to reporting on issues. If you want the truth you should go to the Nation, ASTV and Thaksin Anguish Network.

    Speaking of which, The Hi-So airheads on Thaksin Anguish Network were worrying about how they will look if the Reds take power and they have to wear 30 bath flower pattened shorts and 19 baht flip flops.

    They will stiil be airheads.

  6. Didn't see this one posted in the forum and I reacted to the following section:
    Veera said the red-shirt movement might have to use violent means to establish a new Thai state.

    Either declaring civil war for sure or secession from Thailand....

    Good luck with Issan seceding from Thailand...

    Land locked, no infrastructure, no industry and a water crisis.

    Lao, and China, and maybe Myanmar for neighbors.

    Prospects in a practical sense minimal....

    And good luck to Bangkok going alone. No taxi drivers, maids, bargirls, cleaners, bus drivers. No rice, no farms no water.

    Just a few Idiot falangs bringing their money in to prop up a regime they know nothing about.

  7. 80,000 cops

    60,000 protesters

    .... and yet still the protesters have the upper hand....

    Out of the 80,000 cops, 79,999 are "poor Thais" (aka. red shirts). Ever wondered why they always step aside when the red shirts come through? Why they're laughing and smiling with them?

    I saw that on Al Jazeera. The troops were walking away through the redshirt hordes. Redshirts joking cheering clapping. Soldiers smiling, laughing with them, high fiving!!

    Elite, jingythingy etc got to realise most soldiers here conscripts from poor northern families.

    Thaksin Anguish Network had some beanpole rattling on about the army not obeying Abhisit, obviously not realising which end puppet strings are operated from. All the while the three vacuaous airheads were looking worried about the prospect of their saturday afternoon shopping for Gucci and preening themselves may be out the window.

    Checked ASTV and as I was the only one watching, there were not debating anything. They asked me to SMS them when I was sitting comfortably and they would resume some show about some historical middle class uprising at some airport.

    At least the 40 odd thousand post by jingythingy, JDintheaiport and Amnesiatic were not in vain.... or were they!

    Good link for you when Thaksin comes back www.getonaplanecausetakkiesback.com/cheapflights/iran

  8. I drove into work this morning no problem at all, nary a sight of a uniform police or military, buses seemed to be runnig O.K although more crowded than usual.

    Crowding probably due to people trying to get to work without too many problems, I think the events later on today and tomorrow will be the shape of things to come.

    The current policy of anarchy being pursued by the Red Shirt Brigade cannot be allowed to go on. Demonstrate peacefully by all means, perhaps an outline of what the aims of the movement are apart from returning Thaksin to power would be informative and would possibly encourage more support from all levels of society.

    Sadly all I or we have all heard is a chorus of inane demands from a pack of rabid orators who have never ever actually stated what their true aims are in the long run..

    This is indeed suspicious. The word DICTATORSHIP springs to mind all put into place by a gullible group of people led by a plausible self serving individual and his puppets.

    Nice that you have a job that pays more that 40k a month (or you would be her illegally and that would never do would it!) and have a nice car to drive to work in. You could count the number of farmers in Isaan on the tumbs of one foot who have that.

    Add to it your lovely Bangkok appartment/house and eating out and shopping trips for your expensive partner and evidence begins to appear that you really are as smug an elitist prip as you sound in your posts.

    Wanting a free election and changing the constitution to end an eternity of your lovely bangkok friends imposing their will and elitist kids on the rest of the country is enough for most people.

    Am happy that your hearing and eye sight have now recovered from the not too distant time when you could neither hear nor see the PAD rally, the occupation of central bangkok and the airport.

  9. THE NATION: Our reporter at Rajprasong said tonite's crowd is noticeably smaller than two previous nites.

    THE NATION: However, our reporter said reds on motorbikes were pouring into the venue. all kinds of vehicles being used as bunkers at entry points.

    THE NATION: Thai red news - an official SMS news of Reds - sent last msg at 7pm, saying that the service has to stop thanks to SOE.

    THE NATION: Reds leaders told the crowd to get peper and fire crackers ready just in case they encounter police guard dogs.//poor dogs.

    THE NATION: The pepper and fire crackers strategy is from Nattawut, prolly not a pet lover!

    Dude.... Nattawut is a clown, a martyr and a loose cannon... he would spray his own mother just to get some milk and cookies between meals. :)


    Anybody using the nation as a source of information, even on this disjointed mudslinging s£$tfight is a Clown.


    In my country, we have a thing called "reasonable force." That means, you do not have the right to shoot someone dead because they slapped you in the face. You have the right of self defence, cross that boundary where your defence is now an attack and you commit the crime of assault, or in this case, murder. No way is the bouncer's action legal.

    In no way do I condone the actions of the farang, if asked to leave the premises, they should have left, but, just because he/they "shape up" does not give the right to the bouncer/s to kill them (murder) by any means. Even if the bouncer/s had no intent to kill the farang, but still did, we are looking at the crime of manslaughter.

    Further to this, since when has "property" been more valuable than human life???? What property are we talking about? Some bar tables and chairs? I sense there is more to this story we will never know about, and there is always two sides to every story.

    We have Tourist Police. Maybe it's time we have one or two "Tourist Security" in the larger venues who can "talk down" the trouble before it esculates, instead of the venue having many young Thai security guys, who do not speak english, and are strung out on yabba pills to stay awake, dealing with over zealous, exicted, happy and intoxicated tourist.

    So next time you are mugged or set upon, you will be screaming for a social worker to come and council the attacker will you? Or will you be asking the strongest person arround you for help in fending them off?

    You are victim of the liberal chattering classes that pervade western society. Society where criminals have all the rights and victims run the risk of having to pay compensation for slandering some thug who as attaced or robbed them.

  11. 2 or 3 farang where denied access to private property and left after fistfight with some security guards. 5 farang came back to private property to attack 12 security guards. Security guards could have shot them legally, they chose to beat them up. sane tourists do not attack security guards, or police, they leave when asked to, and do not come back for revenge.

    Quite right. People from the West have never learned any respect for any kind of security personel. Think how this happens in the west now:

    Man turns up at night club drunk with mates and attacks a couple who are waiting to go in. Bouncer intervenes and drunken scum turn up later with sheepish police and smart lawyer in tow.

    Nevxt week, thugs allowed access to club where more innocents are beaten up and abused ad infinitum.

    In 70's in a club in england, no from the bouncer meant no, and you buggered off.

    These muscle bound thugs went to a lot of trouble to group themselves and find their way back to this club. It was clearly a pre-meditated attack on the bouncers and the club that should have been (and was) repulsed.

    What if they had got inside? Who else might they have beaten up?

  12. Will they block twitter?

    No way, how else will Abhisit update his Twitter blog?

    Reminds me of the effectiveness during the last coup. Remember when the tanks ousted the elected government. It was not just Thaksin they got out (thats for the Thaksin Anguish crowd) it was the ELECTED GOVERNMENT)

    Anyway, on BBC news they were saying that the bbc had been taken off the air in Thailand. As we were watching it live at the time in a bar in Hua Hin, we didn't believe it.

    Even the Iranians couldn't control the media and they really were killing and maining on a grand scale

  13. It's about time! Totally justified for all the world to see.

    A message to the good people of Thailand.

    I can tell you with confidence the vast majority of foreigners support your honorable PM Abhisit in his valiant effort to fight anarchic red shirt's illegal attempt at revolution and the rule of a violent mob. Good luck to and best hopes for a PEACEFUL resolution.

    100% agree. Abhisit is an honorable man.

    I am looking at honarable in the thesaurus and there is no mention of ELECTED in this section.

    The man who guts my fish in Tesco on saturday is an honest and fasticious man but even his most adoring customers would baulk at him running (ruining) the country..... even as a puppet.

  14. So

    FAce it farangs. You dont really want democracy in Thailand.

    You already have it plenty in your own country.

    But you chose to be here.

    Aristrocracy in the other hand, give benefits to you a lot more.

    Cheap labor, higher status, money worship etc.

    The way you trying to bash Thaksin is the ONLY way you can look down the Reds.

    Just because Reds love Thaksin doesnt mean they are idiots.

    Reds love Thaksin not because he is a goodman. Take that in your ignorant face.

    Aristrocracy never let people choose one. And they will NEVER allow thais to have one.

    Thais are sadly 'forced' to adore one person.

    If you are educated enough, you should know it by now.

    That's a very general comment and tars all farangs with the same brush. Such general statements are usually a sign of lower intelligence and hatred. Think racism, bigotry, xenophobia etc

    So you falang intelectual generalisation (or are you not intellegent to realise that you were generalising when you used "usually") trumps his heart felt and well writen post.

    He is dead right about falangs being able to lord it up here in ways unthinkable in their home countries. It is this that the old deadbeat falangs who claim to love Thailand and support the PAD fear the most.

    Just think, No missus to lord it over and belittle and shout at in Tesco, no staff to bully, no cleaners, car washers, gardners and and and... the unthinkable, no bar girls to sneak off to when the wife is away... omg!!! It's the end of the world.

  15. Has there been any update? The last post on the news update thread was at 6:56. Declare SOA, and then nothing for three hours? Hmmm...

    Nothing!!1 nothing!! You call two hours and 17 pages of mindless drivel nothing.

    Time to break out the chang and let the old delusionals dream their dreams of an army takeover.

    Good night

  16. WRONG! It means they were accepting orders from their elected government to not be provoked into reaction. It is called discipline and is a military characteristic. If the generals were interested enough in their country's welfare to remove a nascent dictator, what makes you think they will allow it to be taken over by his rabble? Do you think they want Thaksin to take command, kiss and forget?

    What ELECTED government? I remember military taking over one actually ELECTED government not so long ago...

    But you don't remember the election that came 13 months AFTER the coup? Odd, because there was one. Look it up, it was was in all the papers. :)

    We remember a rigged ballot where every party and individual that might be a threat to the PAD/Army Junta was removed.

    Those too thick to remember that are welcome to their rose tinted view of it though.

    It would be hard for another Coup now as they are still in control and at the trough from the 2006 job.

  17. My Thai wife's girlfriend has just arrived in Australia for a 2 week holiday, they are both Issan girls lucky enough to get a Uni Education

    Sat down Sat Night and talked about the Thai situation and I think some of you TV members would get a shock to have been there.

    When I first my my Thai wife 5 years ago Thaskin was god, and the saviour of Issan, she was never interested in Politics

    Funny how things change

    Now both the wife and all her friends are Pro democrats and the new PM

    All her friends still in Thailand are totally anti the reds, and all are telling their families back in Issan the real story

    Seems to me the Reds greatest threat is not the democrats, but education

    One thing that comes through all their talking

    Issan villages where happy before Thanskin, just living the life they knew

    Now money is most important and debt is the biggest problem in the villages

    Straight from the horses mouth 's you mat say

    What a drongo.

    Biggest thing changing for them is coming into the money. Sure they will agree with anything you say now master.

    At least they are not in danger of receiving any eduction in their current location.

    And the real story now is as related to them by their money master. Wait a few years till they had enough of you mate. Then you will be finding out the real true story about the importance of Money in Thailand.

  18. To ozzie man 05

    According to the Thai wife

    when the army was in power you are right

    It was peaceful

    no one was oppressive to her, her family or friends

    and every day she was allowed to go to work, make money, and go shopping

    what else does she really want. you must be aggreeing with herl

    What elitist claptrap. So sorry that your wife and her lovely friends can't make money and go shopping. Boo bloody hoo. Most of the north of the country have never been able to do either of these.

    So sorry that all the businesses and banks in the beautiful corruption free city of Bangkok chose to fund and support the Chaos when it was their middle class buddies and PAD allies causing it.

    Reap what you sow mate, reap what you so.

    Must be almost as agonising for your wife to go without new shoes for songkran as for generations of Northern farmers to live in hovels and farm rice.

  19. Stangely, the smaller stream on the way to Karon, just past Simon Cabaret has dried up since it rained! This foul smelling leak or whatever has run for two years continuously until the other day.

    Go to love Patong.

  20. the PM should be allowed to meet with the protest leaders

    they should be arrested and immediately airlifted out by helicopter to a remote Navy controlled island

    the protesters should be told where they are being held and invite them to organise a rescue bid

    To those to young or to foreign to remember :) Jackanory was a lovely story telling program on childrens TV in the 60'2 ans 70's. Nice to see it making a comeback on TV again!!!

    Anyway, I am enjoying Anupong's squirming. He is soon going to have to come back and save us again!!!!

    Most (outside Jackanory land) are contrasting the army stance against the reds with the (non)stance against the PAD. Lovely to see it acted out in front of us so clearly.

    So clearly in fact that I have not had to post for a number of months now and have just sat back and watched the debate

  21. So, the army shows it can command 1000 officers and soldiers to a parade. Are they as sure they can order the same 1000 officers and soldiers to shoot at their own citizens? Or will some of them turn the rifles?

    Of course they are not as sure. On the other hand, they can be sure that some of the grunts won't hesitate. Triggers will be pulled if that is the order given.

    This is the third front. Not going well on the Cambodian border nor in the South. They should stand a chance in the new "War against one man".... or should they!

  22. Do you really think that most prostitutes "have a good time" when they're working? My guess is that most of them just put on a happy face and pretend that they're enjoying it for the sake of business. And obviously, guys are falling for it.

    How many jobs in the west do people do that they obviosuly enjoy? Check out in supermarket, school bus driver, bin man, traffic warden?

    Luckily the Police binoculars must have been on long range when they were looking for brothels as they missed the one directly opposite the old police station!

  23. Can't remember this one being suggested before. The boyz in the ministry are getting creative these days. Now with a bit more thinking they could go for the complete Hub of Life package.

    1 - Hub of Wedding

    2 - Hub of Honeymoons

    3 - Hub of Conception

    4 - Hub of Births

    5 - Hub of Divorce

    6 - Hub of Death

    7 - Hub of Burial

    Can you not find a place for Hub of Hubris?

    They should limit the amount of Hubs that Phuket can be in the running for.... That would be a Hub Cap I suppose :) .

    plenty of wedding opportunites still available last night though in the Bangla Bride Bars. Maybe this is one of the more sane (less insane) ones.

  24. They simply haven't got a clue.

    Corruption and graft operates throughout Thai society almost with surreal impunity and most who have even the slightest passing knowledge of their system together with the more seasoned observer are well aware of its extent, particularly the diplomatic corps and the multi nationals who have to negotiate its perplexities on a daily basis, but nothing is done about it.

    Yet the moment one of their society figures is exposed internationally for their criminal greed they squeal like stuck pigs screaming that the image of Thailand is tarnished irretrievably and, wringing their little trotters, they agonise over what the impact might be when in truth the sad reality is that the rest of the world couldn't give a flying fart. To most, Thailand is either an exotic beach destination or a glorified knocking shop and that's about it.

    The day they ditch this vainglorious notion of themselves, inflated to a preposterous degree of deluded self importance, and actually take account of just how pitiful their institutions truly are will be the day when perhaps progress could be made.

    Those squealing pigs flying is perhaps more likely.

    Ok you've lured me out of my self imposed posting ban.

    How about a poll? Looking at the number reading the Prostitution clampdown in Phuket last week, I'd say the latter.

  25. Why are you so defensive of that article? Did you write it or what?

    It fails to provide sufficient details to really explain the latest clash, and it relies on their long held beliefs that PAD are nationalistic thugs and Kasit is a terrorist.

    So, what exactly is so fascinating in that article? What exactly does it add to the discussion?

    Defensive? I simply posted it as a good article.

    It's an opinion piece for an educated world wide audience, most of whom don't have an anally retentive fixation with the issue.If there's anything in it which is unfair or in the inexplicable word of your fellow traveller "loutish", let's discuss it.

    I accept that but, unfortunately, biased, blinkered PAD apologists also managed to read it and took umbridge.

    Thanks for you posting it and sorry you had to suffer the PAD slating you did.

    Mind you, you did well here as Plus actually typed about "yellow thugs and mobs, and a peaceful red rally" which must have really hurt.

    There is little appetite for this Government outside its own cosy ranks and a few deluded oldies on here.

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