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Everything posted by zzaa09

  1. Aside from obvious, symbolic protests of this romantic nature do little to change or address anything - with the exception that it makes good copy in the suspected press. Any such movements for change need to come by way of living one's protest in a most practical manner - en masse.
  2. You're traveling through another dimension -- a dimension not only of sight and sound but of mind. A journey into a wondrous land whose boundaries are that of imagination. That's a signpost up ahead: your next stop: the Twilight Zone!
  3. Of course, reform. ???? Remember who controls and influences the all encompassing military.....the direction of any such reformations should start with these circles, firstly.
  4. To expand on this thought, the scammers have always been 3 or 4 steps ahead in the game - and certainly doesn't apply to banking systems as such. Everything IT, electronic and digital can be easily suspect and accessed......yet, our increasingly mad lifestyles almost force our hand towards living in this manner.
  5. Who's to say, as the wide variety of establishment scientific and political narratives of the last three years have long been proven to be bogus. Only those who wish to desperately cling to the repeated and regurgitated officialdom will suffer. Their souls were bought long ago.
  6. Better yet, don't publicize and just shout up about anything related and quietly mandate a B1,000 entry fee to be automatically written into the respective air ticket. No one would be the wiser.
  7. Water management surely needs another approach. Some more enlightened and level headed folks need to intervene.
  8. Too late. If this type of rhetoric has already been brought to the public's attention, it's in the works. March results: Same as it ever was.
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