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Everything posted by zzaa09

  1. No loss, actually, regarding those who feed on anger and complaining. Finding a boogieman at every corner.
  2. Ah, yes.....living the dream [and delusions].???? BTW - $US600 would be closer to B20,000 and change.
  3. Well said.... I believe the severe mutations are working even as we speak.
  4. Requires a thorough cleansing [if you know what I mean] for any deluded fresh start to come about. Otherwise, it's all moot - the talk, speculation, dreamy rhetoric, etc.....
  5. Ahhhh... Wait 'til the newer, and nastier, mutated forms catch up with us [and still don't know anything about].???? Something to look forward to, huh? Just keep cycling the conscious fear. ????
  6. Sure. Strategic manipulation as it's always been. Any form of worldwide currency exchange is based on illusion.....has little to do with anything of pending worth. Most are hooked by it.
  7. That might require a comprehension of the written language, which is obviously scant here.
  8. Has little to do with the proverbial hated Chinese. Has everything to do with traditional Thai inner workings. Astounded as to how so many still don't know how things work here.
  9. Sure he is. Yet, oddly enough, this was never the pious direction when he was knee deep amongst 'em. Phony is as phony does.
  10. Yet, he'll require the proverbial and controlling blessing - which I doubt he'll receive. I don't believe he's in good stead within this circle. We'll have to be finding someone within the inner circle club to be more suitable. Any viable candidates are dwindling. Here's an idea......how 'bout opening it up to all comers in a true free and democratic fashion. Nah. That might completely disrupt the ongoing oligarchical rule. Never mind. Just thinking out loud.
  11. True. Yet, there are not many left that recall the Songkran traditions.
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