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Everything posted by zzaa09

  1. Cease the conditioning of shopping/consuming online. Problems resolved.
  2. ....and the obsessive consciousness among the desperate to place the false importance of everything tourism related.
  3. The seemingly contradiction in the story are almost amusing. Historically well known that the policing systems here key shareholders and movers among the higher and more influential drug mafias.
  4. Appears that's what's on the table presently - worldwide. It hasn't disappeared.....and now there are a couple of mutated strains, having their way, that are quite nasty belittling every aspect of what we really knew about it before. XBB.1.5 and BQ.1.1 variants are proving that our inscrutable and fake science is failing us.
  5. Invoked suspicion of foreigners [real or imagined] is what they do.......especially within official circles. Become part and parcel of the institutional [and social] paradigm.
  6. There was a time that societal law naturally overruled the highly invented political legalities.
  7. Yet, a traditional civil tamboon or familial ceremony is looked upon, within the culture/society, as perfectly proper and acceptable - sans the Amphoe or "legal" registration. Know of numerous couples, throughout the years and decades, that didn't bother with the registration process and get on quite nicely without too many worries. Mind you, this indifference to a legal marriage certification is probably become much lesser [almost nominal] in today's Thailand as the society has been forced to exist in a manner of overwhelming legalities........carefully borrowed from perceived civilised Western values. Kinda sad.
  8. Get on a lot easier if one considers these transactions as gifts instead of the proverbial and enacted loans. Doesn't work that way here.
  9. Twisted wokeness fashion or might it be something else? Overthinking everything is usually a determent.
  10. Indeed. Perhaps the OP was inquiring rhetorically.
  11. Highly unlikely. As prospective and habitual drunk drivers will always find a way - any vehicle will do. Suspending their license or impounding their vehicle will do little to deter. The only real practical resolution would be to remove them from society - long term prison stretches might suffice.
  12. Fortunately for them they have an abiding "news" circle that is quite supportive and numb along these lines.
  13. Or usually blinded by by deeper cultural centrism. Sure is the case here...
  14. Just as long as the club members receive their ill-gotten share. It's all good within the shady world of Thai elitist politics.
  15. Or a least a updated scorecard to keep up with all the false narratives and alliances.
  16. One might want to explore, deeper, contemporary Thai history before casting comparative stones. It all seems so familiar and repetitive over decades.
  17. Feeling the ever present sense of Sinophobic angst amongst the usual Occidental circles. Appears to be a running theme/reference for quite some time. What gives? ????
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