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Everything posted by zzaa09

  1. Indeed. Add: ignorance and stereotypical speculation. The historic and dreaded Yellow Peril - in one form or another.
  2. Oh yeah. That's how we prefer things. Controlling corporate/government monopolies.
  3. The bottom line and the reality, which obviously isn't recognized by most, still lies that the systems and extremely influential institutions remain the same masters regardless of said tradition or phony baloney political identities. It's all show for them and we're the suckers - as the surface rhetoric recycles. Debating endlessly [and uselessly] as if we know what's going on.......which appears to be not so. Quite conspicuous that too many pretend to understand what's going on here and how it all works....by way of their ingrain Occidental-lending manner. Amusing at best.
  4. Oh dear. Quite the instilled delusion on both counts, usually deployed by those who don't know how things traditionally work here or have little knowledge of contemporary Thai history. Neither will see time behind bars nor any such truer democratic form to be "restored" - as it was never stored to begin with. Restored. Indeed.
  5. The surface twisted rhetoric and image manipulating that too many will fall victim to. Rest assured that they'll both land on their feet quite nicely. Already been written within the club rules.
  6. But.....no one really has to buy into the usual nonsense. It's all rather moot. Come March he'll be in like flint - it's already been arranged.
  7. Indeed. Yet, that's what it's all about isn't it? Corrupt profiteering.
  8. All too common for the Thai authoritarian infrastructure. A foresight and consequential thought process does not come easy for these goons.
  9. When has that really been the case? Any choices are made elsewhere in closed circles.
  10. I suspect.....that somewhere down the line, all this talk and speculation of Thaksin this and Thaksin that - there's a profitable motive. Be it real or not. All about promotion. Just an observation.
  11. Indeed. Reflective of the first 2.5 years of the COVID era. Concocted idiocy from the experts.
  12. Even more important, he's well established and loyal toward a particular influential circle. How do you think he gathered this status to begin with.
  13. Shhhhh.... We don't mention such things.???? Questioning or challenging is nearly impious, if not associated with any twisted Lese Majeste accusation. ????
  14. If such a dreamy act scenario were to develop, these folks would have an almost impossible task convincing the over lords who have the final word. Remembering how things really work here...
  15. The truer shame is that the majority of the society won't/can't take a principled stand regarding these long standing and antiquated issues.
  16. Be that as it may, the real decisions regarding these things derives from higher up. Regardless of the govt, they'll [the Shinawatras] never be allowed to return - in any circumstance.
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