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Everything posted by zzaa09

  1. United Shady Elitist Thai Nation Party. Considered an opposition entity? ????
  2. Sounds about right. One should be highly suspicious as to what is presented officially with the help with the always abiding media, who just parrot the conventional surface narrative. All these false positives are highly unlikely, as they [Thai Airways and affiliates] have an uneven and corrupted history of managing their business ways. And things don't turn around that quickly......not these thugs.
  3. Public utilities [like other public entities] should be treated as public domain for the commons, therefore subsidized appropriately without the scheming ideals of being profitable [for some].
  4. But....but.....but it's all the raging fashion. ???? Lots of folks are going to be terribly disappointed to learn of the reality. ????
  5. Serial killer. Interesting to note what constitutes this classification these days.
  6. Expect her to be banned from any and every political participation before long. it's what they do to any real viable opposition.
  7. Indeed. Those that exist in a highly fanciful manner don't recognize their own foibles - more often than not. 'Tis the case with this gent.
  8. If that's the case, shouldn't be surprised as to what banal and trivial items your beloved foreign expats might find stimulating. This venue is a perfect mirror for such comparisons.
  9. I don't think so......this supposed consciousness of weary concern. Not the case whatsoever. In this particular instance, I believe the continued [en masse] mask wearing in public spaces was born of the cultural abiding of the natural reflex to authoritarianism - and repeated often and loud enough.
  10. It's not in their nature, historically. Simple observations of the cultural character should be commonplace to those who've been here a while.
  11. New Mafia generations as opposed to the old establishment. The club is the same regardless of the defined perspectives.
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