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Everything posted by zzaa09

  1. Technically, '32 was little more than the same old power controlling. Nothing popular or revolutionary about that period. Though, such is repeated over and again that this event has become a mainstay of historic propaganda. Most are taken in by it.
  2. Pro-govt party [singular/homogenous]. As if there might be the illusion of numerous political factions. Just stop.
  3. Yep. Way past the time to get over the long held charade. The deeper and continued rhetoric is becoming quite weary......though, I suspect they'll milk it 'til it's dry.
  4. Change will never come about until there is thorough cleansing. One that needs to be enacted by revolution through the greater population.
  5. I believe the extended exaggerations, regarding anything Covid, aren't working any more. Time to move on.
  6. What we still haven't realized is that with every successive mutated variant, the bug is less symptomatic and severe [vaccinated or not]. Could of called this with the original strain, as it was nasty and fatal as given influenza outbreak - nothing more, nothing less. The unnecessary and highly manufactured panic and paranoia was never worthy of any consequence. It appears that some authoritarian bodies, the world over, are still looking to squeeze as much false concern as possible........because, the fabricated crisis benefits them in the long of it. The time has come that we get over ourselves and absorb the reality of what is and what isn't.
  7. Not to be put offishly pedantic, but technically [even scientifically] the mRNA "vaccines" aren't truly vaccines. Actually, not even considered a decent therapeutic. One might do some simple and straight research into what it is and what it isn't.
  8. If prepared well, quite nice. An earthy [if not gamey] reptilian manner.
  9. Rather voluntary throughout much of Sukhothai. Many of the indoor eateries are beginning to rescind their ridiculous vax proof/testing policies, as well.
  10. Assisting to inflate his already self-absorbed and boy scoutish-like ego.
  11. Wonder if anyone is paying attention to what is going on, and being practiced, upcountry [outside of the expected Farang/tourists ghettoes]. For the most part, been opened up for some time now.
  12. Thai authorities and society appear to be behind the eight ball as applying to particular and seemingly unnecessary mitigation engagement that really doesn't need to be practiced by way of these silly instances.
  13. Goes without saying. Hasn't this been the standard compass of contradiction as such applies to corporations and government worldwide for ages?
  14. This appears to be a good possibility by April/May - so the strong rumor has suggested. Returning to a "normal" entry program void of the TP, testing and outdoor/open space masking might be more beneficial for them than they might consider.
  15. Or more practical.....allowing an open and free market to exist without the forced upon dependency of government regulation and created banking mafias.
  16. Even more curious within a selected circle would be to ponder as to why it's such a conscious concern if Farang are here long term or not....as in: the end all would be if Farang were here in long term droves or not. Who gives a ****. Guess it's all of a cognitive priority type of thing.
  17. Mai phen rai. Not that worthy or substantial by anyway one might regard.
  18. Because he serves a practical purpose for them. Remember his loyal roots and where he comes from.
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