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Everything posted by zzaa09

  1. Whattaya call a thousand politicians chained to the bottom of the ocean......??
  2. Time for the Thai authorities to get past and get over the revolving rhetoric of easing, restructuring, modifying and redoing the underlying scam that is/was the Thailand Pass entry programs. Enough of the ongoing and convoluted theatre. It's time to move on. Appears that most of the world is opening up [for months now] or in the process of easing all mandates and restrictive matters - extended domestically as well as internationally. We can do the same without being cautiously frigid in our reasoning. Either do your business or get off the pot.
  3. Well......these young ladies will have somewhat of an advantage in their pursuit, as the Thai society is matriarchal in it's underlying dominance [even matrilineal in many instances]. Having the upper hand by these social/familial extensions should be a plus. The surface patriarchy that most speak and are conscious of is part and parcel of the show. Best to them.
  4. They designed, implanted, invented and strategically arranged most everything that we know and exist for. Almost a game for them.
  5. And never any real challenging or questioning examinations, intelligence or reasonable ideals/opinions in which to pursuit possible resolutions..........and certainly never any follow ups to the original catatonic articles. News of the usual conventional manner. Accepted.
  6. What if there aren't high and severe numbers [post-Songkran]? Then what?
  7. Exactly. Their numbers have been consistently dropping for a least a decade. The reflective reasoning is obvious - with the exception of the Thai Airways high executive circle who continue to exist in such a fanciful manner.
  8. Or......as it's been mentioned before, the other option - just ignore it all. ????????
  9. Indeed. Bigger pictures, or any pictures for that matter, are almost always missed when applying deeply conditioned comparative forms. The definitive examples that you expose - U.S/U.K. - to be much more day-to-day repressed, controlled and dependency is on the mark, where everyday independent, free and self-sufficient are systematically stifled in a highly subliminal manner......yet, under the promoted and false pretense of open and free democratic existence. I can almost go anywhere in the non-Anglophone world and find a richer sense of everyday freedoms, independence and self-sufficiencies than one might find within the scopes of the supposedly superior and developed English-speaking worlds. Few will understand such truths, as the malleable conditioning and deepest fanciful indoctrination works it's magic as it has for ages.
  10. The real backstories are never allowed to be examined or revealed. Usually resulting in a high percentage of mindless ignorance and dumbing down. Common fodder accepted.
  11. Not the rest of the world, but to those selected imperial extensions.
  12. It's a twisted political move. Has little to do with caring and practical philanthropical modes.
  13. Yes.....lives would be crushed severely over a FB account. ????
  14. In the good old days, such charges were never incurred or even considered. But then......in the good old days, there weren't such convoluted and repressive long term visa rules and regulations - and all the other criminally-driven added surcharges and policies to most everything.
  15. Why are we really concerned and angst regarding any number of arrivals? At any time period....?
  16. Yes, of course. Voting this current crop of scallywags out will solve all our ails. And then what.....?? Dreamy idealism should be added to pile.
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