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Everything posted by zzaa09

  1. And if such similar references are repeated often and loud enough it will become true and real. Nothing to be said towards the legitimate instigators of all our woes. ????????
  2. Greatly dependent, and reflective, on one's lifestyle and company one keeps.
  3. Been an issue [one of many] for some time that most have yet to pick up on - after a couple of years of this nonsense.
  4. I find the repeated and subliminal metaphoric reference to militarism/war to be rather disturbing. More disturbing is how unconsciously and commonly accepted such is.
  5. In which he/they really don't have power or influence on everyday lives - never have. Just need to be a little more observant to the reality of how folks are getting on and how they always have......without the proposed and somewhat make believe interventions.
  6. It's the broader circle that he associates with which has a long history of bumbling around [vested interests] in a terribly impractical manner for the good of the commons. Would direct too much onus of critique or praise toward the aging General, as he's just the current stand in stooge at the moment.
  7. False manipulation and promotion of said numbers by the usual authorities and the ever-sensationalizing news sources. We should recognize their rather predictable patterns by now.
  8. It's what he does. Mai phen rai.
  9. The usual false moaning and groaning about the slight increases regarding everyday life here is still an outstanding value compared to the disturbingly high unnecessary [all inclusive] cost of living in the beloved industrial West.
  10. This has been the case forever - regardless of said government in place. A simple and straight forward examination of Thai history and historiography will show.
  11. Shhh.....we don't mention these things within the perimeters of particular indoctrinated circles. The real back stories, truths and dodgy/suspicious scenarios are conveniently omitted from most everything.
  12. Indeed. This is the reality. Not a world issue whatsoever, but a highly selected and culturally promoted intense affair concerning only a couple. Most of the world's communities understand this and aren't buying it. Reality.
  13. Forever and a day, actually. The way that the trickling down Oligarchical system operates. The policing branch, as a collective, doesn't function independently. They still answer to their superiors. Those are the inquiries that are never truly chased. Following the hierarchy and the crux is never challenged and larger ignored.
  14. Survival mechanisms. It's what they do. And has been manipulated, in one form or another, for quite some time - regardless of government or respective economic eras. But then, it's been the historic nature and practice of worldwide currency markets forever. It is what it is. Framed in falsehoods.
  15. ....and then one could truly ask themselves the real reasoning and placement for diplomatic missions.
  16. Chiang Mai University has one of the better agricultural/horticultural depts that could shed light with information and legitimate contacts.
  17. Eurocentrism is the true crux that ails.
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