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Everything posted by zzaa09

  1. Protection rackets and their associated systems.... What it boils down to. Shameful.
  2. You might keep in mind from which everything that you know and where it originates.
  3. This strategy appears to be particular among selected circles worldwide. An easy, made up and convenient option - covid, any war or anything else that comes to mind. The real heartbreak is that intelligent folks and populations, in general, buy into what is thrown their way - repeatedly.
  4. Shouldn't the apologies be directed towards the ideals that traditional military power controls much of the establishment media? Are we missing something or what?
  5. ....and even more evident that the deciding authorities really don't have a grasp of they're doing regarding all the ever-changing entry programs. Somewhat convoluted genius.
  6. Realistically, the whole traditional system and repeated cycles requires a complete and thorough cleansing - otherwise all the back-n-forth analyzing, punditry and debate is quite moot. Nothing of the power hold has changed much, whatsoever, of the last several decades regardless of the dreamy surface schemes that come around occasionally - yet still remains firmly entrenched by way of the traditional power set. Some cynical circles will suggest that it's never changed.....or bumps in the road that might hint of change but truly remains the same. Any positive and permanent alternations or modifications will never see the light of day until the traditional mindset is banished - naturally, all this has to come by the way of the people as a collective.
  7. As opposed to any other establishment media source [anywhere] with a particular agenda and bias.
  8. So....what's the update on Ing and her suspected pursuits? Guess it couldn't be terribly news worthy without relevant follow ups.
  9. And yet, the ruling apparatus will always be around regardless of situations. The bigger picture is being missed. Any real and positive change has to address the historic crux of all problems.
  10. These types never truly never comprehend the contemporary historic component, as just repeats itself over decades. Wherever the current [and made up] fashion takes them.
  11. Very similar and reflecting of Farang comparatives. Very few ever acclimate or adjust. Seeking out their own. ????
  12. .....and they're doing everything within their corrupted powers to keep him out of the loop and these particular circles of influence. He keeps coming back. The surface martyred figure developed naturally just by their year long restrictive actions. One would have cause to extend some sort of admiration to Khun Thanathorn, who is covertly still pulling the strings within the Progressive Movement/Move Forward Party.
  13. I'd be curious as to the numbers here that follow the Care group/Clubhouse sessions on any regular [almost everyday] basis or Voice TV programming [???]- both operated by the Shinawatra holdings. What is usually purveyed/promoted and what is sensationalized by way of outside news worthy accounts are two different beasts.
  14. For decades, actually. Under the same ruling elite. Yet, the good Thai population continue to live their lives with little interference, independent and self-sufficient. The enigma of the Thai paradox.
  15. What might true democracy be? ???? Do you [and all the other random Farang experts] really know what Thais want? ????
  16. Yet, those broader circles weren't really Communists, but instead anti-establishment revolutionaries who required some fashionable political label to befitting their cause. The Commie thing stuck and has been romanticized ever since. Frankly, to date, one could never decipher the greater difference [historically] between any of these groups that were at odds - from late Chulalongkorn era into the 1930s and well into the turbulent and heralded 1960s/1970s.
  17. Indeed. As this has been the norm forever throughout every locality in the country - regardless of the restrictions here and there. Quite understood and accepted. Word of mouth guides one to who is distilling the better hooch and the community keeps it to themselves. 20-40B per litre bag might be common place. The proposed and repeated myth that some batches might be tainted [usually from outsiders whom don't understand or have knowledge of the society] is always kin to hearsay, as those who are experienced are quite apt at what they're doing.
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